Hello, and first off I would like to thank you for your wonderful contrubutions to the PHPBB code. I have installed it and configured it exactly to your specifications however i am still getting a 404 error. I have read many posts on here and tried to adhere to the instructions listed in the other posts
My phpbb code is here:
Edit (Moderator): URL removed
I have mod_rewrite loaded and you can verify it here:
Edit (Moderator): URL removed
And my .htaccess file is as follows
Code:RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^forums.* index.php [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^post-([0-9]*).html&highlight=([a-zA-Z0-9]*) a2k-post.html$1&highlight=$2 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^post-([0-9]*).* a2k-post.html$1 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^view-poll([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([a-zA-Z]*).* about.html$1&postdays=$2&postorder=$3&vote=viewresult [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^about([0-9]*).html&highlight=([a-zA-Z0-9]*) about.html$1&highlight=$2 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^about([0-9]*).html&view=newest about.html$1&view=newest [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^about([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([a-zA-Z]*)-([0-9]*).* about.html$1&postdays=$2&postorder=$3&start=$4 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^about([0-9]*)-([0-9]*).* about.html$1&start=$2 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^about([0-9]*).* about.html$1 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^about([0-9]*).html about.html$1&start=$2&postdays=$3&postorder=$4&highlight=$5 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^mark-forum([0-9]*).html* ask-about.html$1&mark=topics [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^updates-topic([0-9]*).html* about.html$1&watch=topic [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^stop-updates-topic([0-9]*).html* about.html$1&unwatch=topic [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^forum-([0-9]*).html ask-about.html$1 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^forum-([0-9]*).* ask-about.html$1 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^topic-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*).* ask-about.html$1&topicdays=$2&start=$3 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^ptopic([0-9]*).* about.html$1&view=previous [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^ntopic([0-9]*).* about.html$1&view=next [L,NC]
If you can help me get this working I will gladly send you a nice donation. Your effort deserves to be rewarded accordingly. I thank you for your time in advance even if you are not able to help me!