had to go home, listen, and write down lyrics, but here's an actual 12 bar blues by Mose: (could be good advice for anyone goin' to Chicago this weekend

If you're goin' up to the city
You better have some cash
If you're goin' up to the city
You better have some cash
Cause the people in the city
Don't mess around with trash
When you get up to the city
You better lock your door
When you get up to the city
You better lock your door
You know they'll take what you got boy
And then they'll ask for more
When you get up to the city
You gotta learn to shout
When you get up to the city
You gotta learn to shout
Cause if you don't stand up & holler
You're gonna get left out
And if you stay up in the city
There's just two things I hope
I said if you stay up in the city child
There's just two things I hope
That you don't take money from a woman
And you don't start messin' round with dope