Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2023 09:30 am
Climate crisis will make Europe’s beer cost more and taste worse, say scientists
Experts say hop yields and quality will continue to drop by 2050 if farmers don’t adapt to higher temperatures

Climate breakdown is already changing the taste and quality of beer, scientists have warned.

The quantity and quality of hops, a key ingredient in most beers, is being affected by global heating, according to a study. As a result, beer may become more expensive and manufacturers will have to adapt their brewing methods.

Researchers forecast that hop yields in European growing regions will fall by 4-18% by 2050 if farmers do not adapt to hotter and drier weather, while the content of alpha acids in the hops, which gives beers their distinctive taste and smell, will fall by 20-31%.

“Beer drinkers will definitely see the climate change, either in the price tag or the quality,” said Miroslav Trnka, a scientist at the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and co-author of the study, published in the journal Nature Communications. “That seems to be inevitable from our data.”

Beer, the third-most popular drink in the world after water and tea, is made by fermenting malted grains like barley with yeast. It is usually flavoured with aromatic hops grown mostly in the middle latitudes that are sensitive to changes in light, heat and water.

In recent years, demand for high-quality hops has been pushed up by a boom in craft beers with stronger flavours. But emissions of planet-heating gases are putting the plant at risk, the study found.

The researchers compared the average annual yield of aroma hops during the periods 1971-1994 and 1995-2018 and found “a significant production decrease” of 0.13-0.27 tons per hectare. Celje, in Slovenia, had the greatest fall in average annual hop yield, at 19.4%.

In Germany, the second-biggest hop producer in the world, average hop yields have fallen 19.1% in Spalt, 13.7% in Hallertau, and 9.5% in Tettnang, the study found.

Beer-brewing in central Europe dates back thousands of years and is a cornerstone of the culture. People in the Czech Republic drink more beer than anywhere else in the world, according to a report from the Japanese beermaker Kirin. In Germany, where beer-making has been regulated for 500 years by a “purity law”, the Oktoberfest welcomes 6 million beer-drinkers from across the world into its tents each year.

The taste of beer does not just depend on the hops, but it explains part of the drink’s popularity, said Trnka. “Across the pubs of Europe, the most frequent debate except weather and politics is about the … beer.”

But weather and politics are both changing the taste of beers. World leaders have promised to try to stop the planet heating by more than 1.5C above preindustrial levels by the end of the century, but are pumping out too much greenhouse gas to meet that target.

The study found the alpha acid content of hops, which give beer its distinct aroma, had fallen in all regions.

As temperatures rise and rainfall dwindles, some hop farmers have moved gardens higher, put them in valleys with more water and changed the spacing of crop rows.

Andreas Auernhammer, a hop farmer in Spalt in southern Germany, said the total rainfall in his fields had changed little but that now “the rain does not come at the right time”.

He has built an irrigation system to feed the hops at critical periods. “We would have big problems if we couldn’t water them.”

The researchers modelled the effect of future warming on crops using an emissions scenario similar to current policies. By 2050, they found, hop yields will fall 4.1-18.4% compared with the average from 1989-2018 if no measures are taken to adapt. The projected decline will be driven mainly by hotter weather and more frequent and severe droughts.

Trnka said: “Growers of hops will have to go the extra mile to make sure they will get the same quality as today, which probably will mean a need for greater investment just to keep the current level of the product.”

Auernhammer said the climate threat to hops was important but added it was not the biggest factor in the price of a beer. High energy costs, driven by the soaring price of fossil gas since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, have played a bigger role for brewers. “The hops inside a beer do not cost as much as the cap on top of the bottle,” he said.
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2023 03:46 am
@Walter Hinteler,
This is starting to hit way too close to home.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2023 06:17 am
Strange methane leak discovered at the deepest point of the Baltic Sea baffling scientists

A huge methane leak discovered in the Baltic Sea spans 7.7 square miles, with masses of gas bubbles rising almost all the way to the ocean surface.

A vast methane leak has been discovered at the deepest point in the Baltic Sea, and masses of bubbles of the greenhouse gas are rising far higher into the water column than scientists had expected.

Researchers found the enormous leak 1,300 feet (400 meters) beneath the water's surface during an expedition to the Landsort Deep — the Baltic's deepest spot — in August. The area leaking methane is roughly 7.7 square miles (20 square kilometers), equivalent to about 4,000 soccer fields.

"It's bubbling everywhere, basically, in these 20 square kilometers," Marcelo Ketzer, professor of environmental science at Linnaeus University in Sweden and project leader, told Live Science.

In shallower, coastal seabeds, methane bubbles up from decaying organic matter, while in deeper water, it tends to disperse via diffusion — meaning no bubbles are needed — and most of the diffuse methane remains in the deepest water. But the new leak doesn't follow this pattern.

"By discovering this [leak], we realized that there's a totally different mechanism supplying methane to the bottom of the Baltic," Ketzer said.

The team was also stunned to observe how far the methane bubbles rose in the water column toward the sea surface. Methane usually dissolves in water, so as bubbles rise, they decrease in size until there's nothing left.

Ketzer the maximum height they would expect methane bubbles to reach was around 165 feet (50 meters) from the ocean floor. Yet at the Landsort Deep, the team observed methane bubbles reaching 1,250 feet (380 m) into the water column — just 65 feet (20 m) from the surface.

"So that's completely new," Ketzer said.

He believes this is due — at least in part — to a weaker than average microbial filter, a layer of bacteria that live in sediments and "eat" up to 90% of the methane produced by decaying matter. This filter can be several feet thick in the ocean, but in the Baltic Sea, it is a few centimeters thick, Ketzer said.

Human activity is also altering the way this filter operates, according to Kretzer.

Fertilizers from land that reach the sea boost algae blooms. When the algae die, they add organic matter to sediments. The methane-eating bacteria also like to munch on this material, enabling more methane to escape toward the surface. Furthermore, the researchers think the Landsort Deep leak may be caused by large amounts of sediment deposited there by bottom currents.

"How much we are responsible for weakening this filter and allowing more methane to pass is something that we don't know, but it's something that we'd like to investigate," said Ketzer.

In addition, water at the bottom of the Baltic contains high levels of methane, so the bubbles may have to travel higher in the water column to dissolve — although this doesn't fully explain how they are getting so close to the surface.

Ketzer's team is preparing a second expedition to the Landsort Deep to find out if any bubbles make it to the surface and release methane into the atmosphere.

Methane leaks like this are potentially important sources of greenhouse gas that scientists need to account for. Ketzer estimates there could be half a dozen other deep sea methane fields bubbling away in the Baltic.

"We are continuing to find new locations where seepage is occurring, Anna Michel, associate scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, who was not involved in the project, told Live Science in an email. "It will be interesting to see if exploration of other parts of the Baltic Sea reveals additional sites of methane seepage."

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2023 11:01 am
For a long time now, 270 billion tonnes of ice have been melting away in Greenland every year. Scientists have now determined the critical tipping point at which the ice sheet could melt completely. They also provide reason for hope.

If the Earth warms by 1.7 to 2.3 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times, a threshold is said to be crossed. An "abrupt loss" of the Greenland Ice Sheet is then imminent, according to a new study published by the journal Nature. The range between temperatures refers to different scenarios, from pessimistic to optimistic.

Overshooting the critical threshold for the Greenland ice sheet

Melting of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) in response to anthropogenic global warming poses a severe threat in terms of global sea-level rise (SLR)1. Modelling and palaeoclimate evidence suggest that rapidly increasing temperatures in the Arctic can trigger positive feedback mechanisms for the GrIS, leading to self-sustained melting2,3,4, and the GrIS has been shown to permit several stable states5. Critical transitions are expected when the global mean temperature (GMT) crosses specific thresholds, with substantial hysteresis between the stable states6. Here we use two independent ice-sheet models to investigate the impact of different overshoot scenarios with varying peak and convergence temperatures for a broad range of warming and subsequent cooling rates. Our results show that the maximum GMT and the time span of overshooting given GMT targets are critical in determining GrIS stability. We find a threshold GMT between 1.7 °C and 2.3 °C above preindustrial levels for an abrupt ice-sheet loss. GrIS loss can be substantially mitigated, even for maximum GMTs of 6 °C or more above preindustrial levels, if the GMT is subsequently reduced to less than 1.5 °C above preindustrial levels within a few centuries. However, our results also show that even temporarily overshooting the temperature threshold, without a transition to a new ice-sheet state, still leads to a peak in SLR of up to several metres.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 23 Oct, 2023 10:55 pm
Bad news for West Antarctica (and the world):
accelerated ice loss, possibly even a collapse of the ice sheet, can no longer be avoided. And with it a long-term sea level rise of three to five metres. This is the conclusion of a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change. "It is likely that we have passed the tipping point to avoid instability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet," says oceanographer Tiago Segabinazzi Dotto of the National Oceanography Center in Southampton, who was not involved in the study.

Unavoidable future increase in West Antarctic ice-shelf melting over the twenty-first century

Ocean-driven melting of floating ice-shelves in the Amundsen Sea is currently the main process controlling Antarctica’s contribution to sea-level rise. Using a regional ocean model, we present a comprehensive suite of future projections of ice-shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea. We find that rapid ocean warming, at approximately triple the historical rate, is likely committed over the twenty-first century, with widespread increases in ice-shelf melting, including in regions crucial for ice-sheet stability. When internal climate variability is considered, there is no significant difference between mid-range emissions scenarios and the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement. These results suggest that mitigation of greenhouse gases now has limited power to prevent ocean warming that could lead to the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2023 01:25 am
Already at the end of the Stone Age, the climate fluctuated, also in Central Europe.

A little more than 4200 years ago it became cold. Temperatures dropped, droughts afflicted people. The unaccustomed cool climate toppled advanced civilisations, in Mesopotamia the empire of Akkad perished, in Egypt the so-called Old Kingdom collapsed, of which the great pyramids still bear witness today. But there were also upheavals in Central Europe, where southern and central Germany, the Czech Republic and Lower Austria lie today. The Europeans of that time did not leave any written evidence. But as researchers led by archaeologist Ralph Großmann from the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel now report in the scientific journal Plos One, population numbers collapsed with the climate, Stone Age cultures disappeared and social differences intensified. Later, the first so-called princely tombs were built in the region near the Harz Mountains, magnificent burial complexes that suggest that there were elites. And possibly that also had something to do with the harsher climate.

Demographic dynamics between 5500 and 3500 calBP (3550–1550 BCE) in selected study regions of Central Europe and the role of regional climate influences

With their rich Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age archives, the Circumharz region, the Czech Republic/Lower Austria region, and the Northern Alpine Foreland are well-suited for research on potential links between human activities and climate fluctuations of this period with pronounced archaeological changes. In this paper, we reconstruct the rate and density of the available 14C data from 5500 to 3500 calBP (3550–1550 BCE). We ask to what extent population patterns varied over time and space, and whether fluctuations in human populations and their activities varied with local/regional climate changes. To answer these questions, we have compiled an extensive list of published radiocarbon dates and created 14C sum calibrations for each region. We also compare population dynamics with local and regional palaeoclimate records derived from high-resolution speleothems. At the regional scale, the results suggest a causal relationship between regional climate and population trends. Climate and associated environmental changes were thus at least partly responsible for demographic trends. These results also allow us to question the motivation for the construction of so-called “Early Bronze Age princely tombs” in the Circumharz region during a period of population decline. Among other things, it can be argued that the upper echelons of society may have benefited from trade relations. However, this process was accompanied by ecological stress, a cooling of the winter climate, a decline in the total population and an increase in social inequality.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2023 04:12 am
At what threshold is Greenland ice cap’s melting irreversible?
Melting of the 3km-thick ice cap is one of the biggest contributors to sea level rise but can be halted

With bigger storms each winter taking ever larger bites out of British beaches and cliffs, the increasing speed of sea level rise is set to make things worse. One of the biggest contributors to the current rise of 3.4mm (0.13in) a year is the Greenland ice cap, which is 3km thick (just under 2 miles) and has the potential to raise sea levels by 7 metres (23ft) if it all melted.

Scientists have been working out at what temperature Greenland’s melting would become irreversible and ensure that large chunks of our islands would disappear beneath the waves.

The threshold, according to a paper in the journal Nature, is between 1.7C and 2.3C above pre-industrial levels. Since we have been exceeding 1.5C for some months this year, and on current projections global temperatures are set to rise by up to 3C this century, we are perilously close to the tipping point.

It will be a fairly gradual process, so there is time to move inland, and there is one cheerful note from the paper: if in the future we managed to get the temperature rise back down to 1.5C the melting would eventually stop again.

Against that, the researchers point out that by the time we would get back down to 1.5C, sea levels would already be 2 or 3 metres higher than now.

Article @ Nature: Overshooting the critical threshold for the Greenland ice sheet
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2023 01:15 am
2023 is "virtually certain" to be the warmest in 125,000 years, the EU climate monitor said as data showed last month was the world's hottest October.

Last month was 0.4 degrees Celsius (0.7 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the previous record for October in 2019, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said.

Parts of the United States and Mexico were left parched by drought during October as other areas on the planet saw wetter than normal conditions often due to storms and cyclones, the C3S said.

Sea surface temperatures were also the highest ever recorded for the month — a phenomenon driven by global warming that scientists say is a factor in storms becoming more violent and destructive.

2023 on track to be the hottest year ever. What’s next?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2023 12:27 am
At risk: 10 ways the changing climate is creating a health emergency
The lives of billions of people are being threatened by the climate crisis, experts from around the world warned in the annual Lancet Countdown report this week. No one will escape the consequences of climate change, but people living in poorer countries are particularly vulnerable. Here are 10 ways the climate crisis is affecting global health:

1. Floods and disease
2. Mosquitoes on the march
3. Human-animal contact
4. Severe weather events
5. The air that we breathe
6. The psychological cost
7. Salty water and perilous pregnancies
8. Food insecurity
9. The stress of extreme heat
10. Millions on the move

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2023 12:12 pm
Countries around the world are reducing their carbon emissions to stop climate change. But there are discrepancies in the calculation of the CO₂ budget.

Calculating CO2 emissions is difficult. This is because natural and anthropogenic emissions are defined differently by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and in the national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGI). As a result, it is difficult to monitor the progress of individual countries. The discrepancies would even result in countries' targets not being in line with scientific standards - increasing the risk of falling short of net zero, writes a team of researchers in the journal Nature. And immediately provides a proposal to solve the problem.

Aligning climate scenarios to emissions inventories shifts global benchmarks

Taking stock of global progress towards achieving the Paris Agreement requires consistently measuring aggregate national actions and pledges against modelled mitigation pathways1. However, national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs) and scientific assessments of anthropogenic emissions follow different accounting conventions for land-based carbon fluxes resulting in a large difference in the present emission estimates2,3, a gap that will evolve over time. Using state-of-the-art methodologies4 and a land carbon-cycle emulator5, we align the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)-assessed mitigation pathways with the NGHGIs to make a comparison. We find that the key global mitigation benchmarks become harder to achieve when calculated using the NGHGI conventions, requiring both earlier net-zero CO2 timing and lower cumulative emissions. Furthermore, weakening natural carbon removal processes such as carbon fertilization can mask anthropogenic land-based removal efforts, with the result that land-based carbon fluxes in NGHGIs may ultimately become sources of emissions by 2100. Our results are important for the Global Stocktake6, suggesting that nations will need to increase the collective ambition of their climate targets to remain consistent with the global temperature goals.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2023 12:18 am
Study finds impact of heat on millions of people went unrecorded, highlighting limitations many African countries face

Madagascan heatwave ‘virtually impossible’ without human-caused global heating
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2023 07:21 am
The migration triggered by climate change, whether forced or voluntary, will pose a considerable social challenge for all countries of origin, transit and destination of migrants.
Below is a report from the NYT that refers to Mexico > USA, but surely similar can be said for other countries.

“We need protection,” one migrant at the U.S. border said. But the legal system for refugees never envisioned the millions displaced by global warming.
They Fled Climate Chaos. Asylum Law Made Decades Ago Might Not Help
First came the hurricanes — two storms, two weeks apart in 2020 — that devastated Honduras and left the country’s most vulnerable in dire need. In distant villages inhabited by Indigenous people known as the Miskito, homes were leveled and growing fields were ravaged.

Then came the drug cartels, who stepped into the vacuum left by the Honduran government, ill-equipped to respond to the catastrophe. Violence soon followed.

“Everything changed after the hurricanes, and we need protection,” Cosmi, a 36-year-old father of two, said, adding that his uncle was killed after being ordered to abandon the family plot.

Cosmi, who asked to be identified only by his first name out of concern for his family’s safety and that of relatives left behind, was staying at a squalid encampment on a spit of dirt along the river that separates Mexico and Texas. Hundreds of other Miskito were alongside him in tiny tents, all hoping to claim asylum.

The story of the Miskito who have left their ancestral home to come 2,500 miles to the U.S.-Mexico border is in many ways familiar. Like others coming from Central and South America, they are fleeing failed states and street violence. But their lawyers also hope to test a novel idea: Extreme weather wrought by climate change can be grounds for asylum, a protection established more than seven decades ago in the aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust.

“Our asylum law was crafted when climate change wasn’t even being contemplated, and we are now very aware this is going to be one of the biggest issues of the century,” Ann Garcia, a lawyer at the National Immigration Project, said. It is working with the nonprofit Together and Free to assist the Miskito.

Asylum seekers must demonstrate that they are unable to live in their home country as a result of past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future on the basis of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a targeted group (for instance, women who are subject to genital mutilation).

The Miskito face an uphill climb to win asylum on the basis of climate change, and their lawyers may seek to incorporate other factors to bolster the case.

They could argue for asylum based on the Miskitos’ membership in a social group, if they were neglected by the government or suffered discrimination on account of their ethnicity. The Miskito might also assert inherent vulnerabilities, such as a reliance on natural resources that could be undermined by a catastrophic climate event if it were to lead to criminal violence that cut off their food supply.

However the Miskitos’ asylum claims take shape, resolving their cases could take several years, given the yearslong backlog.

While they await the outcome of their cases, asylum seekers are allowed to remain in the United States, and they become eligible for employment authorization after six months.

This has created an incentive for people, particularly economic migrants, to submit asylum applications with weak claims — and has provoked a backlash against the longstanding practice of allowing anyone seeking asylum to enter the United States.

“The general public is becoming less accepting of asylum as a remedy because there are so many people being creative in applying for it,” Stephen Yale-Loehr, a professor of immigration law at Cornell Law School, said.

The number of asylum cases pending in U.S. immigration courts has surpassed one million, up from about 750,000 in 2022, and from barely 110,000 a decade ago. Another one million cases being assessed by asylum officers are also pending, more than double the number two years ago.

As the number of claims swell, so do questions about the very meaning of asylum in the 21st century, for the United States and for the millions of people around the world seeking safe haven, increasingly because of the effects of extreme weather and climate change.

If almost any migrant can claim asylum, what will asylum come to mean? And how will an already dysfunctional U.S. immigration system decide who deserves sanctuary?

Recent polls have found that most Americans still support asylum. But only one in six Republicans and just 48 percent of Democrats said they believed that those seeking protection had actually fled persecution in their home countries, according to one survey.

“When people think of asylum, they imagine a government official pointing a gun at someone’s head,” Mr. Yale-Loehr said. “They don’t think of crop failures or sea levels rising because of climate change.”

No one tallies how many migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border are fleeing the effects of extreme weather, but that number is likely to grow, according to experts.

Climate change will displace up to 143 million people in Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia by 2050, according to the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

As humans continue to burn fossil fuels, pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and warming the planet, ocean temperatures are increasing. Over time, they have made Atlantic hurricanes stronger, wetter and slower-moving, making them greatly destructive once they touch land.

The plight of the Miskito underscores the climatic conditions driving migration around the globe, particularly to the United States.

For as long as he could remember, Cosmi had trudged up a mountain to help his Uncle Ilario farm beans, rice, maize, malanga and watermelon on the plot of land that had been passed down through generations.

Cosmi married and had two children, now 14 and 8. They subsisted on what the land produced, and they raised some livestock.

“There was the season for everything, and it was plentiful,” he recalled, until the 2020 hurricanes.

The earth was drenched. Then the soil dried, but drought followed, Cosmi recalled. Corn stalks withered. During the harvest, he filled half as many sacks of rice as usual.

“We had worked that land for generations,” Cosmi said, “and we just kept trying.”

He borrowed a canoe and began shrimping in the estuaries. He traded some malanga, a root vegetable, for some catch from fishermen who went out to sea.

Then came the cartels. Cosmi’s uncle was killed. Soon, Cosmi and his family began receiving threats. He pulled his son and daughter out of school. Finally, they fled.

Doing odd jobs along the way, Cosmi and his wife were able to cobble together money for food and buses to the doorstep of the United States. They arrived in Matamoros, Mexico, in May, four months after they left their homeland. Using the U.S. government app that has become one of the few ways to secure an asylum appointment, they scheduled an entry at the crossing in Brownsville, Texas.

On Aug. 3, U.S. border officers processed and released the family.

They traveled by bus to Waukegan, Ill., a Chicago suburb, where they stayed with a friend. A team led by Ms. Garcia, the lawyer, plans to represent the family and other arriving Miskito in their asylum cases.

In late 2021, the White House issued a report recognizing that global warming was causing large-scale displacement. But, two years later, the administration has yet to adopt its own recommendation to establish an interagency working group to coordinate the U.S. response to climate-change migration.

The lack of direction has left migrants to try to chart a course of their own and, in the case of the Miskito, to try to change how the United States decides who merits asylum.

Experts sympathetic to the plight of the Miskito say the law could be interpreted to grant them asylum, based perhaps on the Indigenous group’s inability to subsist after their land was ravaged by hurricanes and seized by drug traffickers.

“Climate has been overlooked so far because asylum officers and immigration judges are not yet educated to be thinking about the climate piece,” said Kate Jastram, an asylum expert at the University of California College of the Law, San Francisco.

But some legal scholars who support changing asylum law are wary of stretching the current legal framework.

The law does have a bit of flexibility, Lenni Benson, a professor of immigration law at New York Law School, said. But trying to expand the law far beyond its original contours comes with risks, she added.

“Putting pressure on an already overburdened asylum system could harm political will for reform as well as mislead people into a dream of safety,” she said.

Amid record numbers of unlawful border crossings, successive administrations, including that of President Biden, have tried to restrict asylum access at the border or to fast-track cases of some applicants in a bid to curb the influx.

But Congress has failed for decades to overhaul the broken immigration system, including the asylum process. And with the border taking center stage in the presidential race, prospects for any fix are dim.

“Unfortunately, asylum reform requires Congress to act,” said Kevin R. Johnson, dean of the University of California, Davis, School of Law. “That is unlikely to happen when immigration is such a wedge issue on which compromise is viewed as weakness.”

Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2023 07:54 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Russia – Siberia, actually – might become a more welcoming destination for climate refugees. It would help to solve the country's demographic problem and avoid some of the problems associated with immigration in densely-settled countries. I'm not holding my breath, however.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2023 08:28 am
More and more people around the world are fleeing the effects of global warming. Will there be mass migration? The Secretary General of the Danish Refugee Council calls for swift action (translation of a SPIEGEL-interview below)

SPIEGEL: Will the climate crisis soon trigger mass migration?

Slente: The climate crisis is already triggering major migration movements. On the one hand, there are the very direct consequences, droughts or floods, from which people have to flee. And then there are the more long-term consequences - such as a lack of access to clean drinking water or fertile farmland. Climate change also leads to violent conflict, which in turn leads to more displacement. Such scenarios will occur much more frequently in the future.

SPIEGEL: The COP28 world climate summit is just around the corner. Will climate displacement play a role there?

Slente: I very much hope so. Climate change is hitting developing countries particularly hard and they are taking in the most displaced people. But the climate payments from the Global North are not reaching the countries that need them most. Countries in violent conflict receive very little funding for climate adaptation. This is because these funds are part of development aid and if a conflict breaks out, this is usually suspended. This urgently needs to be discussed at COP28. After all, many conflicts are closely linked to the climate crisis, so it makes no sense to cut climate funding.

SPIEGEL: But there have been various scandals recently, for example in Ethiopia or Somalia, where funds are said to have been deliberately diverted - which is why the donors have temporarily suspended their aid.

Slente: Of course, that's always a risk when you work with certain countries. You have to set up very good control mechanisms. That's what we do as an organization, and we work in many conflict countries where the risk of misappropriation is very high. So it is possible, you just have to do it right.

SPIEGEL: Somalia has been hit by a devastating drought in recent years, displacing more than three million people. Now the rains have finally come, but with them severe flooding, from which another 600,000 people have had to flee. Will we have to accept in future that some areas will simply no longer be habitable?

Slente: Numerous refugee camps were also flooded in the Horn of Africa; climate-displaced people therefore had to flee a second time. As an organization, we are trying to keep the number of displaced people on the ground as low as possible. We want to enable people to live in their homes. We are trying to build more stable houses and introduce new cultivation techniques that are more climate-resistant. There need to be many more programs like this. We also need to curb environmental degradation in the areas where people are fleeing to, for example around the refugee camps. But this requires a lot of money.

SPIEGEL: But if droughts and floods, extreme weather events, occur more and more frequently - isn't that tilting at windmills?

Slente: Yes, I assume that more and more places will be uninhabitable in the coming years. People will have to move away. Nomads will have to expand their migration areas in order to survive. And this will hit the poorest the hardest, because they have no resources to absorb the consequences of the climate crisis. Many people will be displaced several times over. This is because the refugee camps are often set up in places where the land is unusable; you can't build proper houses or grow crops there.

SPIEGEL: Increasing migration and the struggle for scarce resources are fueling violent conflicts. What do you expect for the future?

Slente: Unfortunately, we are already experiencing a world that is becoming increasingly brutal. Many new crises are arising due to the effects of climate change, and many old crises are being prolonged as a result. Every year, more than 20 million people are affected by climate-related disasters. These people need humanitarian aid. And I am firmly convinced that this number will increase significantly in the coming years.

SPIEGEL: Currently, climate refugees do not enjoy legal protection under the Geneva Convention, so they are not entitled to asylum. Should that change?

Slente: We need to find new ways to protect these people. It would be difficult to change the Geneva Convention. But we are already seeing the first complaints and court cases, for example from islanders who are losing their living space due to rising water levels. They are fighting to be recognized as refugees. The climate catastrophe is changing the way we will have to deal with refugees in the future.

SPIEGEL: But if we grant protection to all climate refugees, wouldn't that lead to mass migration? Would Europe then have to prepare for millions of climate refugees?

Slente: We know from previous experience that climate-induced migration tends to happen locally. People tend to flee to other regions of their home country or to neighboring countries. 80 percent of refugees live in developing countries. I don't think this trend will change in the next few years.

SPIEGEL: Many European countries are also struggling with rising sea levels. Could migration also take place in the other direction, from north to south?

Slente: I don't think so. Countries like the Netherlands or Denmark, where I live, have the resources to adapt technologically to the climate crisis. It's a completely different situation than in many conflict countries in the Global South.

SPIEGEL: What needs to happen now - or is it already too late?

Slente: No, it's never too late. We urgently need to increase funding for climate adaptation, especially in the countries most affected. The governments of these countries must also pay much more attention to the issue of climate migration; it must be at the top of the priority list. And humanitarian organizations need to focus more on climate issues to keep the number of displaced people down. If we do not react decisively, the number of people in need of humanitarian aid will double to more than 200 million per year by 2050. That will be very expensive.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2023 06:01 pm
Are we still worried about how much methane will be released from Siberian permafrost melts?
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2023 01:15 am
10 ways the climate crisis and nature loss are linked
Nature loss and the climate crisis are locked in a vicious cycle. These two issues are separate yet inextricably linked. As the climate crisis escalates, natural habitats are being destroyed. This in turn exacerbates the climate crisis and loss of wildlife. Here are 10 ways the two issues are connected:

Wildfires destroy ecosystems

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Degraded landscapes lead to more fires

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Destroyed terrestrial landscapes cannot store carbon

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Heat damages and kills wildlife

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Marine heatwaves destroy the ocean

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Destroyed oceans cannot store carbon

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Loss of animals from forests reduces the carbon they can store

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Extreme weather makes land restoration even harder

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Extreme weather is pushing people into new areas

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The amount of land needed to grow food is expanding

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Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2023 04:55 am
That – and a bunch of other things. The climate problem is huge and as it slowly unfolds new dangers are continually being discovered.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2023 09:47 am
New cars are getting bigger and heavier. In 2022, SUVs made up the majority of new cars sold worldwide for the first time, according to a recent report by the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI). The average weight of vehicles has risen to a record 1.5 tons.

More mass to move - this not only means more risk of accidents, but also more energy consumption and, as a result, more emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases. According to the GFEI report, this undermines another positive trend: Each year, the energy intensity of vehicles, i.e. the consumption for the same performance, decreases by more than four percent.

The main reason for the increase in efficiency is the switch to electric drives, which are now found in one in seven new cars worldwide. Particularly in markets with a high proportion of electric cars, such as China or Europe, the balance has improved dramatically since 2020.

If the average vehicle size had remained the same since 2010, the energy consumption and CO₂ emissions of the new car fleet could have been more than 30 percent lower than they are today, according to the GFEI.

Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) report: Trends in the global vehicle fleet 2023
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2023 07:33 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Vehicle emissions are one of the least worrying things for me because analysis suggests the tipping point for EV adoption will be way more rapid than we would expect

A total of 23 countries have reached the 5% tipping point, according to Cox Automotive. If the U.S. market follows a similar trend, it becomes more plausible that EVs could account for up to 25% of U.S. new-vehicle sales by 2026, the theory goes. Around the world, government incentives are a big enabler.26 Sept 2023

This very cool podcast outlines the reasons put by Tony Seba https://reneweconomy.com.au/the-driven-podcast-tony-seba-on-the-rapid-switch-to-evs/
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2023 01:27 am
From the seemingly inexorable increase in atmospheric CO2 to the rapid growth in green energy, the Guardian explores the data as Cop28 begins:

The climate crisis explained in 10 charts
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