The evidence is not light; it is in fact overwhelming. There are huge melt lakes on the surfaces of the Greenland glaciers every summer, and have been for years. For more than ten years, NASA's satellites have shown that the Arctic ice pack has been shrinking. There is now incontrovertible evidence that the west Antarctic ice sheet is starting to detach from that continent--estimates for it's final detachment are 50 years to 150 years. When that happens, Miami will be underwater, along with Holland, Bangladesh, more than half of Indonesia, much of New York and Los Angeles, most of Tokyo--the list goes on and on.
You have no idea what my attitude towards Trump is. I defy you to quote a post of mine on the subject. You are just making sh*t up, as you always do, in an attempt to come up with an argument. Trump floated the idea of a presidential run in 1988, 2004 and 2012. He at least has had enough business sense to realize that without broad-based support, he'd have to spend his own money on what might have been a dubious venture, and he has no interest in that.
Who the hell does "you people" refer to? You are laughably clueless. In Lash's thread about a possible Russian-Chinese alliance, you posted a link for and quoted an article about Iran in the middle east which did not mention either Russia or China. It was a standard performance for you, to run out and find the first thing you could on an inept web search, and then post it as though you are wise and knowing. Here, you refer to "light evidence," and then write about "impact many times more" in an inept and largely incoherent sentence in which you also write "global warming if it exists," as though there any doubt among well-informed individuals. This thread is not about you, but any thread is about bullsh*t, which should be called when seen. I'm calling bullsh*t on you--which, if i did it every time you posted bullsh*t would turn into a full-time job.