I know that the scenarios are based on "a variety of possible different future parameters"
You give little documentation for what you say.
l. Bjorn Lomborg, a famous researcher known throughout the world, wrote:
" In its 2007 report, the UN estimates that sea levels will rise about a foot over the rest of the century"
2. You say that "a one foot rise is based on a C02 reduction target that we almost certainly will not hit" Really? Says who? Monterey Jack?
3. You say that "at present itlooks like we're headed more toward the IPCC's maximum". Says who? Monterey Jack? or Phil Jones of the infamous East Anglia scientific crowd who stated to the BBC that there has been NO significant rise in global temperature for the last fifteen years. I dare say that Jones, even given his propensity to tell fibs and lose his scientific data, knows far more than you do about the so-called global warming.
4. Bjorn Lomborg, in his book, "Cool It" , according to you who are, a famous scientist?. must also not know what he is talking about when he states that the new predictions of the IPCC( 2007) ARE LOWER than the "expectations from the 1990's of more than two feet and from the 1980's when the EPA projected a rise of more than six feet" (Lomborg-"Cool It" P. 61)
So, you are greatly in error when you say--"Things are speeding up more than one thought"
Do some reading before you show your massive ignorance again about what the IPCC has reported.
Of course, as I have said before, if you want to throw out all of the IPCC findings, I will go along with you except then the UN will have nothing to use in its next climate convention!