Ignorant of facts AGAIN, MJ ? Unless I believe whales are beautiful, Nazis like are you are going to....do what ? Tell me you are right ? I see beauty in my own species, I dont need to be greener than green like you. I see beauty in all of nature, I dont need to emphasise one over another. Save the whale, no no, save the tiger, no no no you are all wrong, save the cockroach.
Quote:They also put their own bodies on the line to stop heinous practices--
So if I endanger your life I am a hero ? Now just watch you come back with the best possible spin on these criminal acts.
Quote:they're not trying to kill anybody.
The Captain of the Rainbow Warrior is on video record saying he would kill to save a whale.
As for your statistics from the Better Business Bureau, I can buy you a report..just give me the money and influence. If you believe statistics without reading the full version then you are 85% stupid. My facts are based on individuals far greener than you who have left green peace.
What is your selfish motive in saving whales ? If you havent found a selfish motive then you either know as much about psychology as you do about the environment or are living in fear of your own dark soul. You want to improve your status amongst us, to be a hero with a cause...or you are just another mindless moron not thinking for themselves but following the crowd...baa...baaa....you dont want to save whales.