Okay, OE. Let's do it your way, but let's use my full quote:
I said:
Quote: Yup, Timothy Ball is #162. If OE had actually been reading the content--something he almost certainly has not done--he probably would have noticed that each is a different scientist assigned a different number on the list. But that would be sooooooo inconvenient to a AGW religionist who still contends that almost all bonafide climate experts claim AGW is a terrible problem that must be addressed immediatley.
I did say that you had obviously not been reading the content of Ican's post or you would not have misinterpreted the most recent one as a repeat of all the others. Do you deny that you thought that Ican was posting #162 Timothy Ball over and over again rather than posting a series? Or were you referring to some unspecified post? Have you recognized that Ican has been posting different scientists in each post? If you have recognized that, why would you have accused Ican of posting the same thing over and over?
Does Ican deserve an apology for being mischaracterized by you? If not, why not? (I will say that Ican does sometimes post an opinion or fact more than once for effect or to make a point. This was not one of them.)
And then, by implication I suggested that you, an AGW religionist, (which by implication would include you among all AGW religionists) would find it inconvenient to admit that so many scientists were disputing what AGW religionists claim to be fact.
Since you ojected to that characterization, I subsequently offered you an opportunity to disassociate yourself from that herd who continues to maintain that most climate scientists support your views on AGW.
So again: Do you or do you not believe AGW is a serious problem requiring immediate attention?
Did you or did you not accuse Ican of posting the same information over and over along with a presumption that this is a 'conservative tactic' to perpetuate a lie? How could you do that with any intellectual honesty if you had in fact been reading the short articles he has been posting of scientists who jumped off the AGW bandwagon and are now skeptics?
In the face of the evidence presented here, have you in fact been mischaracterized? If so defend yourself.