Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 12:17 pm
I know perfectly well how to milk a rat. Its catching one thats the problem.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:48 pm
And then checking to make sure it's female isn't much fun either/
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:53 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Whoops! It just occurred to me that the earth's oceans have been absorbing and evaporating CO2 for quite a while more than the last 250,000 years, much less 100 years. Shocked

In other words, CO2 has been accumulating in the earth's oceans for a very long time.
Rolling Eyes

Just keep repeating...

There is no carbon cycle..
There is no carbon cycle..
There is no carbon cycle...

And don't forget to click your heels three times while you are at it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 11:19 am
parados wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
Whoops! It just occurred to me that the earth's oceans have been absorbing and evaporating CO2 for quite a while more than the last 250,000 years, much less 100 years. Shocked

In other words, CO2 has been accumulating in the earth's oceans for a very long time.
Rolling Eyes

Just keep repeating...

There is no carbon cycle..
There is no carbon cycle..
There is no carbon cycle...

And don't forget to click your heels three times while you are at it.

Alas, parados, there is a carbon cycle. However, there is little if any scientific evidence that carbon cycle was started and/or accelerated by humans. In fact, the bulk of the current scientific evidence is that the carbon cycle is at a lower peak now than in previous millennia.

But parados, to avoid having to admit to yourself you've been duped, click your heels and salute 13 times--once for each stripe in the American flag--all the while repeating:

Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.

When the earth begins again to cool--like it did in the 1970s--then repeat 13 times:

Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.

And don't forget to click your heals and salute each time.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:07 pm
ican711nm wrote:
parados wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
Whoops! It just occurred to me that the earth's oceans have been absorbing and evaporating CO2 for quite a while more than the last 250,000 years, much less 100 years. Shocked

In other words, CO2 has been accumulating in the earth's oceans for a very long time.
Rolling Eyes

Just keep repeating...

There is no carbon cycle..
There is no carbon cycle..
There is no carbon cycle...

And don't forget to click your heels three times while you are at it.

Alas, parados, there is a carbon cycle. However, there is little if any scientific evidence that carbon cycle was started and/or accelerated by humans. In fact, the bulk of the current scientific evidence is that the carbon cycle is at a lower peak now than in previous millennia.
Do you know what the carbon cycle is? Your statement about a peak in the cycle shows you don't.

But parados, to avoid having to admit to yourself you've been duped, click your heels and salute 13 times--once for each stripe in the American flag--all the while repeating:

Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.
Humans are causing global warming.

When the earth begins again to cool--like it did in the 1970s--then repeat 13 times:

Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.
Humans are causing global cooling.

And don't forget to click your heals and salute each time.
LOL. I see science has no meaning for you. But that is obvious with your explanations of how the atmosphere "works."

Please feel free to show where these calculations are wrong ican, since you don't believe that CO2 is coming from human activity...
The sensitivity calculation, however, may be very reliable. It shows that natural temperature increase cannot be the whole reason for the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration of about 80 ppm during this century.

By the way.. your silly explanation of how water vapor reduces the ability of your plane's engine to work efficiently was quite entertaining. You seem to forget that air pressure and temperature affect it far more than the moisture in the air. It looks like in completely dry air, the change in temperature from 70f to 90f will reduce the oxygen per square inch by more than going from completely dry air at 70f to 100% humidity at 70f. Of course I don't know of anywhere that the relative humidity ever reaches zero so the change can't even begin to match what it is from just temperature alone.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 09:30 pm
parados wrote:
Do you know what the carbon cycle is? Your statement about a peak in the cycle shows you don't.
I see science has no meaning for you. But that is obvious with your explanations of how the atmosphere "works."

Parados, your opinion about what I know or don't know is worthless without specific valid examples to support it.

Please feel free to show where these calculations are wrong ican, since you don't believe that CO2 is coming from human activity...

You are wrong again, Parados. I know CO2 is also generated by human activity. However, I think the amount generated by human activity is trivial compared to the other sources I described.

By the way.. your silly explanation of how water vapor reduces the ability of your plane's engine to work efficiently was quite entertaining. You seem to forget that air pressure and temperature affect it far more than the moisture in the air. It looks like in completely dry air, the change in temperature from 70f to 90f will reduce the oxygen per square inch by more than going from completely dry air at 70f to 100% humidity at 70f. Of course I don't know of anywhere that the relative humidity ever reaches zero so the change can't even begin to match what it is from just temperature alone.

You are wrong again, parados.

For example, in the following, the phrase effective O2 density altitude refers to the equivalent altitude of that specific O2 density in a standard atmosphere:

(1) At any airport, regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 0%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 3,000 feet.

(2) At any airport regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 50%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 9,000 feet.

(3) At any airport regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 100%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 15,000 feet.

At any airport, when the barometric pressure is 28.92 or 30.92 inches, the temperature is 40C., and the relative humidity is 100%, the effective O2 density altitude is about, respectively, 16,000 or 14,000 feet.

In general, for every barometric inch less than 29.92, add about a thousand feet to the effective O2 density altitude numbers in (1), (2), and (3); for every barometric inch more than 29.92, subtract about a thousand feet from the effective O2 density altitude numbers in (1), (2), and (3); .

I and many of my fellow aviators have directly experienced increases in effective density altitutde of O2 several times in hot humid conditions between 30C and 40C, and between 90% and 100% humidity--some of those times turned out to be disasters, when the airplane the pilot was attempting to take off, failed to clear ground effect and climb above 25 foot obstacles, such as trees off the end of their runway, like it did in less humid conditions at 40C.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 09:08 am
ican711nm wrote:
parados wrote:
Do you know what the carbon cycle is? Your statement about a peak in the cycle shows you don't.
I see science has no meaning for you. But that is obvious with your explanations of how the atmosphere "works."

Parados, your opinion about what I know or don't know is worthless without specific valid examples to support it.

Please feel free to show where these calculations are wrong ican, since you don't believe that CO2 is coming from human activity...

You are wrong again, Parados. I know CO2 is also generated by human activity. However, I think the amount generated by human activity is trivial compared to the other sources I described.
So, you are going to point out the errors in the math of the site I posted a link for? Or are you going to ignore the math and just claim you know something in spite of the science?

By the way.. your silly explanation of how water vapor reduces the ability of your plane's engine to work efficiently was quite entertaining. You seem to forget that air pressure and temperature affect it far more than the moisture in the air. It looks like in completely dry air, the change in temperature from 70f to 90f will reduce the oxygen per square inch by more than going from completely dry air at 70f to 100% humidity at 70f. Of course I don't know of anywhere that the relative humidity ever reaches zero so the change can't even begin to match what it is from just temperature alone.

You are wrong again, parados.

For example, in the following, the phrase effective O2 density altitude refers to the equivalent altitude of that specific O2 density in a standard atmosphere:

(1) At any airport, regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 0%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 3,000 feet.

(2) At any airport regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 50%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 9,000 feet.

(3) At any airport regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 100%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 15,000 feet.

At any airport, when the barometric pressure is 28.92 or 30.92 inches, the temperature is 40C., and the relative humidity is 100%, the effective O2 density altitude is about, respectively, 16,000 or 14,000 feet.

In general, for every barometric inch less than 29.92, add about a thousand feet to the effective O2 density altitude numbers in (1), (2), and (3); for every barometric inch more than 29.92, subtract about a thousand feet from the effective O2 density altitude numbers in (1), (2), and (3); .

I and many of my fellow aviators have directly experienced increases in effective density altitutde of O2 several times in hot humid conditions between 30C and 40C, and between 90% and 100% humidity--some of those times turned out to be disasters, when the airplane the pilot was attempting to take off, failed to clear ground effect and climb above 25 foot obstacles, such as trees off the end of their runway, like it did in less humid conditions at 40C.
I see you left out barametric pressure in your figures this time. Rolling Eyes Barametric pressure would affect lift which would have a greater effect on the plane clearing trees than the amount of oxygen per square inch would.

I particularly like the way you added "O2" to your statements to make it appear that it is only the density of the oxygen that affects a plane. It's a wonder you ever got your pilot's license if you think air density is based on O2 alone.

5. How does air density affect takeoff and landing performance?

An increase in density altitude (decrease in air density) can produce a fourfold effect on takeoff performance:

a. Greater takeoff speed required

b. Decreased thrust and reduced acceleration

c. Longer takeoff ground roll

d. Decreased climb rate

An increase in density altitude (decrease in air density) will increase the landing speed but will not alter the net retarding force. Tbus, the airplane will land at the same indicated airspeed as normal, but because of reduced air density, the true airspeed will be greater. This will result in a longer minimum landing distance.

6. How does air density affect aircraft performance?

The density of the air has a direct affect on:

a. Lift produced by the wings.

b. Power output of the engine.

c. Propeller efficiency.

7. What factors affect air density?

a. Temperature

b. Altitude

c. Humidity

d. Barometric pressure

8. How do temperature, altitude, humidity and barometric pressure affect density altitude?

Density altitude will increase (low air density) when one or more of the following occur:

a. High air temperature

b. High altitude

c. High humidity

d. Low barometric pressure

Density altitude will decrease (high air density) when one or more of the following occur:

a. Low air temperature

b. Low altitude

c. Low humidity

d. High barometric pressure

None of your claims dispute my statement of air pressure and temperature having FAR more effect than humidity. Humidity has some effect but air pressure and temperature effect it more.
Here is a lovely little calculator that I bet even you can use ican
http://wahiduddin.net/calc/calc_hp.htm At most temperatures an increase or decrease of 20 degrees will have a greater effect than going from 0% to 100% humidity. At most temperatures an increase or decrease of barometric pressure of 1 inch will have a greater effect than going from 0% to 100% humidity. And you still haven't shown me where you fly out of that ever has a humidity if 0%. Plus, I don't think you understand how your argument of 0% humidity is defeating your argument that more humidity is what is heating the earth up rather than CO2.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 10:05 am
(3) At any airport regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 100%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 15,000 feet.

I still can't get over this one ican.. What is your source?

Oxygen is required by the US airforce for flying above 10,000 feet because it is at that height that hypoxia begins to set in. If your source is correct, everyone that lives in the tropics would probably be passed out from lack of oxygen.
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 03:20 pm
parados wrote:
(3) At any airport regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 100%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 15,000 feet.

I still can't get over this one ican.. What is your source?

Oxygen is required by the US airforce for flying above 10,000 feet because it is at that height that hypoxia begins to set in. If your source is correct, everyone that lives in the tropics would probably be passed out from lack of oxygen.

Parados - if the FAA hears of this, and if you ever contemplated getting a pilot's license, you wish to hide inside a deep cave and stay there pretty indefinitely.

Ican is a fellow pilot (mine, not yours) and he knows whereof he speaks.
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 03:23 pm
The only reason I looked into this thread is to see if Hamburger is still around - sorry I bumped into irrelevancies btw - because I have the answer to his question (from last time I was here, months and months ago) on the apparently illogical element of financial and risk valuations.

Will come back and post complete answer by Monday.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 03:40 pm
Parados, I sincerely apologize to you for thinking you more knowledgeable than you actually are. I'll do my best to help you become more knowledgeable, by giving you, free of my usual charge, some flight instruction.

I left out barametric pressure because there is no such thing. Instead, I did infact include barometric pressure, because it is a key factor in the calculation of airplane flight performance.

I focus on O2 in the atmosphere, because it is O2 that is necessary for airplane engines to generate the power necessary for them to generate thrust to propel an airplane. Without O2, airplanes will not get off the ground under their own power.

Yes, the O2, N2, CO2 and the other gases in the atmosphere are used by airplane flight surfaces to generate lift. But those surfaces are not sufficient to generate lift unless the airplane is moving at a high enough speed to generate enough lift equal to the weight of the airplane. Unless the airplane is falling, that speed cannot be accomplished without an engine or engines capable of generating sufficient power to generate sufficient thrust to generate sufficient speed. Those engines cannot generate that sufficient power without sufficient oxygen.

I claimed that increasing the H2O density in a region of the atmosphere, reduces the O2 density in that same region. When that O2 density is reduced in that region, aircraft engines in that region generate less power which in turn generates less thrust.

How do I know that increasing the H2O density in a region of the atmosphere, reduces the O2 density in that same region? I know that from my and other's flight experience flying in regions of high humidity (that is, regions of high H2O density). In such regions my airplane engines generate less power.

I'll examine takeoff performance at two different airports: Port Aransas at Mustang Beach, Texas (designated, RAS); and Leadville at Lake County, Colorado (designated, LXV).

RASs elevation above sea level is 10 feet, and its runway 12-30 length is 3,482 feet. LXVs elevation above sea level is 9,927 feet, and its runway 16-34 length is 6,400.

To relieve us of having to interpolate small differences, I shall assume RASs elevation is sea level or 0 feet, and LXVs elevation is 10,000 feet.

I shall assume for this lesson, that we are discussing the takeoff performance at RAS and LXV of a Cessna 421C (according to its Pilot Operating Handbook) with maximum gross weight of 7,450lb, and two 375 rated HP turbo-charged engines, when barometric pressure is equal to tthe standard barometric pressure for the elevation of the airport, when the ambient temperture is 40C, and when the relative humidity is either 10% or 100%.

At RAS, when the relative humidity is 10%, the takeoff ground roll distance is 2300 feet and the total distance to clear a 25 foot obstacle is 2,765 feet.

At LXV, when the relative humidity is 10%, the takeoff ground roll distance is 4510 feet and the total distance to clear a 25 foot obstacle is 9,900 feet.

According to the FAA, at 100% relative humidiy and 40C temperature, the lift at elevations up to 10,000 feet is about 90% of the lift at a relative humidity of 10%.

Using data provided me by a retired airforce major, the maximum engine power at 100% relative humidity is less than 60% of the maximum engine power at 10% relative humidity.

At RAS, when the relative humidity is 100%, the takeoff ground roll distance is more than 3450 feet (32 feet shorter than the runway), and the total distance to clear a 25 foot obstacle is more than 4,148 feet.

At LXV, when the relative humidity is 100%, the takeoff ground roll distance is more than 6,765 feet (365 feet longer than the runway), and the total distance to clear a 25 foot obstacle is 14,850 feet .

Performance numbers for operation at various altitudes above sea level, at various barometric pressures, at 10% and 100% relative humidity, at a temperature of 100C, and with various airplanes and airplane engine horsepowers, will differ significantly from those in the example I provided. However, one thing is inescapable. High humidity reduces airplane lift and engine performance from what it is at low humidity.

At RAS, a twin 185HP engine B55 Baropn took of in high relative humidity and one engine failed. At lower humidity, the B55 can climb to 6,000 feet with one engine failed. However, in this case the Baron crashed and the pilot was killed, when the B55 could not clear obstacles.

At LXV, after a thunderstorm had recently passed and the runway was steaming, a 201HP Mooney aircraft began a takeoff roll. The Mooney could not clear ground effect. Off the end of the runway, the Mooney lost altitude and headed for the woods below. Fortunately for the pilot, the thunder storm had not precipitated much water over the woods passed the end of the runway and the Mooney gradually recovered, did not hit the trees below, and climbed to a safe altitude.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 03:46 pm
High Seas wrote:
parados wrote:
(3) At any airport regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 100%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 15,000 feet.

I still can't get over this one ican.. What is your source?

Oxygen is required by the US airforce for flying above 10,000 feet because it is at that height that hypoxia begins to set in. If your source is correct, everyone that lives in the tropics would probably be passed out from lack of oxygen.

Parados - if the FAA hears of this, and if you ever contemplated getting a pilot's license, you wish to hide inside a deep cave and stay there pretty indefinitely.

Ican is a fellow pilot (mine, not yours) and he knows whereof he speaks.

So you are claiming the FAA is the source?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 03:52 pm

I wrote:

Performance numbers for operation at various altitudes above sea level, at various barometric pressures, at 10% and 100% relative humidity, at a temperature of 100C, and with various airplanes and airplane engine horsepowers, will differ significantly from those in the example I provided. However, one thing is inescapable. High humidity reduces airplane lift and engine performance from what it is at low humidity.

I should have written:

Performance numbers for operation at various altitudes above sea level, at various barometric pressures, at 10% and 100% relative humidity, at a temperature of 40C, and with various airplanes and airplane engine horsepowers, will differ significantly from those in the example I provided. However, one thing is inescapable. High humidity reduces airplane lift and engine performance from what it is at low humidity.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 04:10 pm
ican711nm wrote:

I wrote:

Performance numbers for operation at various altitudes above sea level, at various barometric pressures, at 10% and 100% relative humidity, at a temperature of 100C, and with various airplanes and airplane engine horsepowers, will differ significantly from those in the example I provided. However, one thing is inescapable. High humidity reduces airplane lift and engine performance from what it is at low humidity.

I should have written...
that I dont really know what I'm talking about on this or lots of other topics.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 04:11 pm
parados wrote:
High Seas wrote:
parados wrote:
(3) At any airport regardless of its actual elevation (Leadville Colorado or Mustang Beach Texas), at a standard barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, a temperature of 40C, and a relative humidity of 100%, the effective O2 density altitude is about 15,000 feet.

I still can't get over this one ican.. What is your source?

Oxygen is required by the US airforce for flying above 10,000 feet because it is at that height that hypoxia begins to set in. If your source is correct, everyone that lives in the tropics would probably be passed out from lack of oxygen.

The FAA generally allows civil pilots to fly at altitudes up to 12,500 above sea level without supplemental Oxygen. The FAA further allows civil pilots to fly above 12,500 up to 14,000 for no more than 30 minutes without supplemental Oxygen.

Parados - if the FAA hears of this, and if you ever contemplated getting a pilot's license, you wish to hide inside a deep cave and stay there pretty indefinitely.

Ican is a fellow pilot (mine, not yours) and he knows whereof he speaks.

So you are claiming the FAA is the source?

I think High Seas was referring to your false statement: "If your source is correct, everyone that lives in the tropics would probably be passed out from lack of oxygen."

What is your source that in the tropics the temperature averages 40C (104 F) and the humidity averages 100%?

People do live on mountains higher than 15,000 feet.

But your statement is false for another reason. Engines ain't people. When an engine operates as if it were at 15,000 feet above sea level, depending on the engine it may or may not be able to generate enough power for the airplane to cause enough lift to stay at or climb above that altitude.

By the way, my sources include a retired Air Force pilot who flew everything from P51s to B52s--plus the FAA.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 04:20 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
ican711nm wrote:

I wrote:

Performance numbers for operation at various altitudes above sea level, at various barometric pressures, at 10% and 100% relative humidity, at a temperature of 100C, and with various airplanes and airplane engine horsepowers, will differ significantly from those in the example I provided. However, one thing is inescapable. High humidity reduces airplane lift and engine performance from what it is at low humidity.

I should have written...
that I dont really know what I'm talking about on this or lots of other topics.

Well gee wiz, steve, I don't know you well enough to say that about you.
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 03:20 pm
ican711nm wrote:
I think High Seas was referring to your false statement: "If your source is correct, everyone that lives in the tropics would probably be passed out from lack of oxygen."


Ican - thanks, that was the statement I was referring to; should have made it clearer.

Steve - as you say, altitude is only one variable in this equation; temperature and humidity are also important and their correlation matters as well. This from the FAA's relevant document:


Density altitude is a measure of air density. It is not to be confused with pressure altitude, true altitude or absolute altitude. It is not to be used as a height reference, but as a determining criteria in the performance capability of an aircraft. Air density decreases with altitude. As air density decreases, density altitude increases. The further effects of high temperature and high humidity are cumulative, resulting in an increasing high density altitude condition. High density altitude reduces all aircraft performance parameters. To the pilot, this means that the normal horsepower output is reduced, propeller efficiency is reduced and a higher true airspeed is required to sustain the aircraft throughout its operating parameters. It means an increase in runway length requirements for takeoff and landings, and decreased rate of climb. An average small airplane, for example, requiring 1,000 feet for takeoff at sea level under standard atmospheric conditions will require a takeoff run of approximately 2,000 feet at an operational altitude of 5,000 feet.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 09:41 am
How about this, Canada blocks part of a global warming binding commitment for developed countries.

I thought only the US did this!!


KAMPALA, Uganda -- Canada has successfully blocked more than 50 Commonwealth countries that were seeking a climate change resolution that would force developed countries to adopt a binding commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

So, does that make them as evil as the US now about global warming?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 09:49 am
Nobody is going to hamstring their economy on the GW issue whilever there is democracy and the case for it is unproved.

Not a chance. Lip service is another matter.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 10:03 am
mysteryman wrote:
How about this, Canada blocks part of a global warming binding commitment for developed countries.

I thought only the US did this!!


KAMPALA, Uganda -- Canada has successfully blocked more than 50 Commonwealth countries that were seeking a climate change resolution that would force developed countries to adopt a binding commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

So, does that make them as evil as the US now about global warming?

Close enough. The position taken would have been preceded by liason between Canadian and US administrations.
0 Replies

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