Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Steve 41oo
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 11:50 am
georgeob1 wrote:
Despite a host of nutty ideas - not to mention the outrage of his persistent disagreements with me - Steve is an honest man.
Thanks George, you're not so bad yourself for an American. (Did you hear what ex President Jimmy Carter had to say about Blair today?)
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High Seas
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 02:31 pm
Thomas wrote:
okie wrote:
So how come the temperatures were rising even before much of the increase in industry and the existence of most of the evil automobiles, Walter? What caused the beginning of this rise?

Were they? Temperatures started their rise in the mid eighteenhundreds. Although there were no automobiles at the time, there was plenty of heavy industry, an exploding number of people who burned coal for heating, and other major emittors of greenhouse gasses.

Nonsense, Thomas, and you know it. Temperatures obviously started to rise 21,500 years B.C., or there's no explanation for the fact we in the Northern hemisphere don't all live under a mile-high glacier Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 08:43 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
Despite a host of nutty ideas - not to mention the outrage of his persistent disagreements with me - Steve is an honest man.
Thanks George, you're not so bad yourself for an American. (Did you hear what ex President Jimmy Carter had to say about Blair today?)

Who would care what Carter said about anything? And Carter has been wrong about almost everthing, so any criticism of Blair could probably be viewed as a compliment.
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Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 08:45 pm
High Seas wrote:
Thomas wrote:
okie wrote:
So how come the temperatures were rising even before much of the increase in industry and the existence of most of the evil automobiles, Walter? What caused the beginning of this rise?

Were they? Temperatures started their rise in the mid eighteenhundreds. Although there were no automobiles at the time, there was plenty of heavy industry, an exploding number of people who burned coal for heating, and other major emittors of greenhouse gasses.

Nonsense, Thomas, and you know it. Temperatures obviously started to rise 21,500 years B.C., or there's no explanation for the fact we in the Northern hemisphere don't all live under a mile-high glacier Smile

Could that be about the time that ancient man discovered fire? I am sure it had to be man's fault.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 09:07 am
okie wrote:
High Seas wrote:
Thomas wrote:
okie wrote:
So how come the temperatures were rising even before much of the increase in industry and the existence of most of the evil automobiles, Walter? What caused the beginning of this rise?

Were they? Temperatures started their rise in the mid eighteenhundreds. Although there were no automobiles at the time, there was plenty of heavy industry, an exploding number of people who burned coal for heating, and other major emittors of greenhouse gasses.

Nonsense, Thomas, and you know it. Temperatures obviously started to rise 21,500 years B.C., or there's no explanation for the fact we in the Northern hemisphere don't all live under a mile-high glacier Smile

Could that be about the time that ancient man discovered fire? I am sure it had to be man's fault.

Or if not man's, then certainly the USA's Smile
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Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 09:55 pm
A few interesting things:

Former believers begin to doubt:


And this about oceans soaking up less CO2, and perhaps giving off more because of atmospheric conditions, wind, etc. The intent of the article was one thing, but it also raised other questions in my mind, such as the "chicken and the egg question." In other words, which came first?


And this about fishing causing global warming, one supposed proof being that CO2 stabilized or dropped during WWII when fishing was curtailed Cool :


And then this article, which perhaps has no bearing on atmospheric CO2 worldwide, but an article I find interesting just from the fact that such strong CO2 levels are present in that area's soils vs other areas, and so, have we examined the content and emissions of CO2 from areas, soils, or maybe more tectonically active areas over a long period of time to see what the variances might be, etc.? I have seen reports that such emissions are supposedly miniscule in the grand scheme of things, but I also am skeptical that there is much research into this area of study and perhaps there is much more to learn.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 06:08 am
The thing about the 'saturated sink' in the southern oceans is that it seems to be a relatively new panic button. Are we to believe that these scientists who have been so certain about manmade CO2 being the primary cause of runaway global warming have just now decided to check out the ocean composition and were completely surprised at how severe the situation is?

And it might be worth considering that this 'new crisis' emerged just as some noted scientists moved into the skeptics' camp on this issue.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 06:36 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Are we to believe that these scientists who have been so certain about manmade CO2 being the primary cause of runaway global warming...
No respected institution has said that CO2 is causing "runaway global warming".
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 06:50 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
No respected institution has said that CO2 is causing "runaway global warming".

I agree. Certainly none respected by me. Hoever you cannot deny the widespread propaganda on that point that does indeed pour forth in the popular press and as well as from individuals, groups and institutions that do claim to be respected.

I survived the early flight and, after a pleasant half-weekend, am ready to tackle the forces of Mammon for another day.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 05:34 am
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Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 10:48 am
i imaginge some a2k'ers will refuse to visit new york city fairly soon since major bloomberg has ordererd the taxis "to go green" - or they'll have to bring their own hummers for their next visit Laughing

New York taxis going hybrid
TheStar.com - sciencetech - New York taxis going hybrid

May 22, 2007
Associated Press

NEW YORK - The city's fleet of yellow cabs will go entirely hybrid within five years, and all its vehicles for hire will have to meet new emissions and mileage standards by next year, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced Tuesday.

Today, there are just 375 fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles among the 13,000 taxis rolling on city streets. That number will increase to 1,000 by October 2008 and will grow by about 20 per cent each year until 2012, when every yellow cab will be a hybrid.

Hybrid vehicles run on a combination of gasoline and electricity, emitting less exhaust and achieving higher gas mileage per gallon. Changing over the fleet is part of Bloomberg's wider sustainability plan for the city, which includes the goal of a 30 per cent reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.

"There's an awful lot of taxicabs on the streets of New York City obviously, so it makes a real big difference," Bloomberg said. "These cars just sit there in traffic sometimes, belching fumes; this does a lot less. It's a lot better for all of us.''

The hybrids that have been successfully tested in the city's taxi fleet over the past 18 months include the Toyota Prius, the Toyota Highlander Hybrid, the Lexus RX 400h and the Ford Escape.

Bloomberg made the announcement on NBC's "Today" show. In addition, Yahoo Inc. said it would donate 10 hybrid Ford Escape taxis, which get 36 miles per gallon.

The standard yellow cab vehicle is the Ford Crown Victoria, which gets 14 miles per gallon (U.S.).

Besides making the yellow cab brigade entirely green within five years, the city will require all new vehicles entering the fleet after October 2008 to achieve a minimum of 25 miles per gallon. A year later, all new vehicles must get 30 miles per gallon and must be hybrid.

City officials said the new standards, when fully implemented, are expected to reduce carbon emissions by more than 200,000 tons per year.

Hybrid vehicles are typically more expensive, but the city said the increase in fuel efficiency will save taxi operators more than $10,000 (U.S.) per year.

source :
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 11:10 am
Really? Which A2Kers do you think would object to riding in a fuel efficient, environmentally friendly vehicle?
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Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 12:14 pm
foxfire wrote :

Really? Which A2Kers do you think would object to riding in a fuel efficient, environmentally friendly vehicle?

i seem to recall that some a2k'ers had great objections to the government forcing businesses "to go green"
(see major bloomberg's announcement
"Besides making the yellow cab brigade entirely green within five years, the city will require all new vehicles entering the fleet after October 2008 to achieve a minimum of 25 miles per gallon. A year later, all new vehicles must get 30 miles per gallon and must be hybrid.
" )

perhaps i am wrong and no one objects to these government orders , in which case my entry is declared null-and-void .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 12:24 pm
hamburger wrote:
foxfire wrote :

Really? Which A2Kers do you think would object to riding in a fuel efficient, environmentally friendly vehicle?

i seem to recall that some a2k'ers had great objections to the government forcing businesses "to go green"
(see major bloomberg's announcement
"Besides making the yellow cab brigade entirely green within five years, the city will require all new vehicles entering the fleet after October 2008 to achieve a minimum of 25 miles per gallon. A year later, all new vehicles must get 30 miles per gallon and must be hybrid.
" )

perhaps i am wrong and no one objects to these government orders , in which case my entry is declared null-and-void .

There is a world of difference between riding in a 'green' vehicle provided by the government or taxi company or whatever and/or providing attractive incentives for people to go green and/or people doing what they can do voluntarily vs government mandates that may or may not accomplish what they are intended to do.

And anyway my response was to a comment, presumably intended to be humorous, that somebody would object to riding in an energy efficient and/or environmentally friendly powered taxi or bus. I don't know a soul who objects to that. The objection comes from Mayor Bloomberg or any other government authority requiring me or my business to use the same kinds of vehicles at an unacceptable cost for uncertain benefits.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 01:03 pm
foxfire wrote :

And anyway my response was to a comment, presumably intended to be humorous, that somebody would object to riding in an energy efficient and/or environmentally friendly powered taxi or bus. I don't know a soul who objects to that. The objection comes from Mayor Bloomberg or any other government authority requiring me or my business to use the same kinds of vehicles at an unacceptable cost for uncertain benefits.

to continue in this humorous vein :
do you accept the mayor's (and the ciy's , i presume) edict "go green if you want to do business" or do you object to it ?
if you think that bloomberg is right in his approach to reduce pollution ; that is , "forcing" business to go green , my comments about a2k'ers objecting would indeed be wrong .
however , since you go on saying "The objection comes from Mayor Bloomberg or any other government authority requiring me or my business to use the same kinds of vehicles at an unacceptable cost for uncertain benefits. " - i'm not quite sure where you stand on this issue of presumably "forced greening" .
hbg(trying to inject a bit of humour - but NOT forcing it Laughing )
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 01:27 pm
hamburger wrote:
foxfire wrote :

And anyway my response was to a comment, presumably intended to be humorous, that somebody would object to riding in an energy efficient and/or environmentally friendly powered taxi or bus. I don't know a soul who objects to that. The objection comes from Mayor Bloomberg or any other government authority requiring me or my business to use the same kinds of vehicles at an unacceptable cost for uncertain benefits.

to continue in this humorous vein :
do you accept the mayor's (and the ciy's , i presume) edict "go green if you want to do business" or do you object to it ?
if you think that bloomberg is right in his approach to reduce pollution ; that is , "forcing" business to go green , my comments about a2k'ers objecting would indeed be wrong .
however , since you go on saying "The objection comes from Mayor Bloomberg or any other government authority requiring me or my business to use the same kinds of vehicles at an unacceptable cost for uncertain benefits. " - i'm not quite sure where you stand on this issue of presumably "forced greening" .
hbg(trying to inject a bit of humour - but NOT forcing it Laughing )

I probably have less objection to the Mayor giving preferential treatment to 'green' businesses who want to do business with the city though even that gets a bit heavy handed in my opinion and will shut out a lot of the 'little guys' who simply won't be able to do that. I have no objection to mandates that for catalytic converters, emissions tests, etc. unleaded gasoline, and other provisions that require people to refrain as much as possible from polluting the air that others must breathe, etc.

I have a HUGE problem with mandates that would give significant advantage to certain manufacturers or suppliers and/or businesses and/or would create unacceptable costs for private business based on unproven and uncertain science and/or lack of measurable results and/or lack of probable benefits.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 03:02 pm
One more complaint out of you and we will revoke your NY City passport. Evil or Very Mad
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 03:14 pm
Foxfyre wrote
There is a world of difference between riding in a 'green' vehicle provided by the government or taxi company or whatever and/or providing attractive incentives for people to go green and/or people doing what they can do voluntarily Vs government mandates that may or may not accomplish what they are intended to do.

Do you also object to forced use of seat belts, restrictions on the use of cell phones while driving and the myriad of other Thou shalt nots imposed by City, State and the federal government. It is afterall a health issue and should be addressed.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 04:25 pm
au1929 wrote:
Foxfyre wrote
There is a world of difference between riding in a 'green' vehicle provided by the government or taxi company or whatever and/or providing attractive incentives for people to go green and/or people doing what they can do voluntarily Vs government mandates that may or may not accomplish what they are intended to do.

Do you also object to forced use of seat belts, restrictions on the use of cell phones while driving and the myriad of other Thou shalt nots imposed by City, State and the federal government. It is afterall a health issue and should be addressed.

CO2 emissions are NOT a health issue unless you're in a space capsule or trapped in a mine or reasonable facsimile somewhere, or live near a lake in Cameroon.

I would prefer that seat belts for adults be optional but that insurance companies not have to pay for injuries sustained by people not wearing one. That puts all responsibility squarely on the driver. I would like very much to not be killed by somebody driving drunk or distracted by their cell phone. I already have been rearended by a careless driver who was yakking on her cell phone at the time.

For me, the only legitimate functions of government that should be authorized are those NECESSARY to protect us from each other, our government, and our enemies, those that promote the common welfare, and those that are necessary to regulate an orderly society in which all can be engaged in the pursuit of happiness.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 04:36 pm
Read and you may find all your objections satisfied
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