Stricter measures for more climate protection are unfeasible, says the Dutch government. This is also due to a farmers' party in the governing coalition.
Dutch judges do not want to accept this.
Farmers in the Netherlands are powerful. The populist farmers' protest party, BBB, is part of the coalition government. It vehemently rejects regulatory intervention.
However, Dutch farmers are now threatened with stricter environmental regulations. A court judgement stipulates much stricter nature conservation measures. Civil court judges in The Hague ruled that the state is doing far too little to combat the damage to nature caused by nitrogen emissions, particularly from agriculture. The court upheld a complaint by the environmental organisation Greenpeace.
The government must now ensure that harmful emissions of nitrogen compounds in nature reserves are reduced by at least 50 per cent by the end of 2030. The judgement could have major consequences for intensive livestock farming. The measures taken so far have been insufficient. In addition, a previously adopted nitrogen reduction programme has been cancelled. To date, no new measures have been enacted, the judges stated.
Both parties can appeal against the judgement, but the judge ruled that the government must already start implementing the judgement.
Greenpeace wint zaak tegen Staat, rechter dwingt kabinet meer haast te maken met stikstofaanpak