The Warring Planet - Invasion - An alien's perspective

Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2005 09:05 am
The Warring Planet


(A pseudonym - Please respect true copyright -
US Patent & Copyright Office - Wash., D.C. - 2004)

"…we often forget how much unites all members
of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside,
universal threat to make us recognize this
common bond. I occasionally think how quickly
our differences world-wide would vanish if we
were facing an alien threat from outside this

- U.S. President Ronald Reagan, Speech before U.N.
General Assembly, September 21, 1987

* * *

"The ONLY excuse
Everybody makes
War, violence, hatred, prejudices, etc.,

- IS -

The one

- truemale - 2004


At any given moment - even now - there are at least 20+ wars, conflicts, "police actions", rebellions and deadly disagreements taking place throughout the world. The cost through history is incalculable to the degree of being somewhat impossible to discuss. Although mankind has simply run out of "new" lands to discover, explore and claim, we simply attack other nations/countries - for whatever reason, be it "reasonable" or on pretext.

Someone once said that, "Even one death (in a war) is too much." While most would agree, considering the hundreds and hundreds of violent confrontations that have occurred down history to the present, what words, other than "too much," can be produced for the literally hundreds of millions of lives destroyed, either by death, maiming, displacement, or loss of living standards - or all these combined?

A simple observation between "undeveloped" societies where warfare is an almost daily occurrence, and "Culturally" or "advanced" societies, where warfare is used "only as a last resort," one can only conclude that, in EITHER society types - with all in between - there has been NO advancement of humanity anymore than one step out of the caves from whence we came.

To think otherwise and not taking a hard honest look at ourselves, is delusional.

Deception can take many forms. Self-deception is the most despicable - and destructive.

Does anyone have the answer to stop war & violence? Governments obviously don't. Religions would rather wear blinders. "Peace" organizations (or "activists") merely ride a carousel. Economists simply ride a bigger carousel.

And one wonders why the earth spins around & around & around, etc.



Its effects are non-existent in the far reaches of outer space. But time does exist - at least to the occupants of a massive, 4 football field-sized long craft that silently, quickly - and purposely - heads towards its destination.

Seen from its control center panel window, a little blue & white dot appears.


Surrounding it for hundreds of miles around, are smaller, various shaped craft. Just the right size to hold four, 1-meter occupants. They too are purposely headed towards the little blue & white dot.
Time exists for them also.
Some of them will not return.

A major silence is being revered throughout this vast armada, while on board the massive craft, 2 of the occupant's converse.

Their shapes and substances are not necessary to be known or important.

What they say - and what they are about to do - IS. . .

Although outside the realm of any comparative Earthly language, the following dialogue takes place:

"Are the volunteers ready?"


"Let us proceed."


Chapter One
"The War Zone"

Screams of pain and agony, the smell of rotting, burning flesh everywhere in the middle of bombs, bullets flying every which way and the deafening sounds of flesh burning exploding shells are just a few of the hallmarks of war. Arms here, legs there, heads here, and half a body there. It is not a pretty site, either for the new recruit or the veteran of many wars. Instant oblivion is an almost guarantee on the battlefield. The survivors never recover.

The commanders of both sides, meanwhile, determining to "cut their losses," must decide instantly, the limited choices of their own commander's orders to kill or be killed. Making their choices, they send more bullets, bombs - and live human bodies - into the midst of the mad conflagration called, "War."

This "Warring Planet" called, Earth, has been the home of many such conflagrations throughout known and unknown history. Earth is a "War Zone" like no other (it is hoped) known.

While some are calmly stating "Peace," some revert to yelling it. Some work for it, still others die for it. Establishing peace on this warring planet is also a form of war. Wars of words, wars of accusations and counter-accusations, and wars in smoky, dimly lit backrooms on what are presumed to be neutral territories, results in nothing more than a war of wits. Who can gain the most with the least to loose?

There is another side to war - the ignorance of it and its potential.

In this and that "developed" country, citizens all are going about their daily lives, knowing of war, but paying little attention to it as they must get to the dry cleaners before they close, the market before they run out of today's specials and get to the restaurant in time to eat before the next show. The laborer, the executive and the many in between, continue in their style of lives and living (according to their country's customs). These fight a war known as "economics." Some succeed while others merely resign. Bombs, bullets, and death a half world away are not their concern.

They continue on their way.

In this and that "not quite developed" country, farmers are displaying the bounty of their crops and livelihoods. Buyers and sellers congregate to find the best value for their hard earned standard of trade. Fruits and vegetables, fresh fish and newly trimmed cuts of meat as well as cooking utensils and decorative nic-naks for the home are being exchanged. With cookies and sweet treats also available, who cares about bombs, bullets and death a half a world away?

They continue on their way.

In this and that "undeveloped" country, citizens sift through the day (some sifting through cast off garbage) wondering about where to find substance for any type of meal. If no food is found, that is the way the day was meant to be and they return "home" to find comfort in their mud and/or thatch huts. These people are fighting a war daily known as "survival." Many loose little, some loose all. The winners never return. Bombs, bullets, and death a half world away are not their concern.

They continue on their way.

Bells are ringing in a wonderfully constructed cathedral, while the faithful are praying, murmuring faint intonations of appeal to their heavenly god for peace, but more so for their own safety. Solitary calls for worship are heard an ocean and a continent away, in a magnificent temple. The faithful there are also appealing to heavenly assistance to do their work for them. In the fields of Earth at night, around a roaring fire, appeals for their god, as usual, is also asked. What none of the religious are considering is that heavenly intervention is closer than they realize - and getting closer as they pray. The reality of bombs, bullets and death a half a world away are their concern, but not just yet.

These too, with the rest of the soon-to-be-visited Earthlings, continue on their way.

The primary occupants of this odd, warring planet are not the only ones aware of these facts.


Chapter Two
"A whole lot of blips"

On a cold night, sitting in his custom made, government issued chair, a lone US Air Force radar-man casually scans the radar monitor, located somewhere between nowhere and civilization, north of the frostbite zone of Earth.

Redundantly, in between bites from his bag of potato chips, he is aware of the usual air traffic within his realm of observation. Knowing his relief is not for another two hours and the latrine is right around the corner, not being able to wait one minute longer, he quickly scans the monitor and practically trips over the side desk in hopes to relieve himself properly.

That finished, he gives sigh of relief, zips up, and confidently and purposely strolls back to his monitor. Glancing at it, he blinks. Hard. Around the entire perimeter of the radarscope is an almost solid line of blips! This can't be! There must be something jamming the radar or some wire must have short-circuited. Switching a few knobs and dials as he was taught to do, does not erase the solid line of blips. Wait a minute - MORE solid lines of blips are appearing!

Panic setting in, he calls his immediate superior and spews out incoherent babbling of blips all over his monitor. The commander, not really wanting to get out of bed on a cold night, dress and go to the radar station, appeals to the radar-man's sense of reality, and to take a breath and talk slower.

"Sir - there are hundreds of blips on my scope. And one really big one! I have checked every known switch available and not only do they not go away, but hundreds more are appearing right behind the first one - and no I have not been smoking - SIR!
Please get over here right away."

Irritated at the seeming impertinence of his underling, the commander slams the phone down, and swears while throwing on his cold winter gear,

"I'm gonna drop-kick that damn airman from here to Ft. Leavenworth with one single F&*G kick!"

* * *

The only difference between night and day on this deserted island is the amount of sweat that comes off your head onto your pillow at night or under your armpits during the day. But the only relief was the phone call the US Navy Captain received from his isolated corner of the world. He knows full well that the valuable components of the radar station are protected from the salt air. As he slips on his khaki officer's cap, the Captain is concerned for the loneliness his men have been undergoing since working 12 hour, solitary shifts;

"I wonder if this man has had his daily ration of salt tablets? An almost solid line of blips on the radar screen? Oh brother. I trained 4 years in college for this?"

* * *

The Chinese sailor, trained in detailing everything his radar screen was displaying, simply could not find the words to describe what he saw - blips everywhere, like a broken circular line around his screen. After the shock and closing his mouth, he rang his immediate superior.

"Sir - please, come quick! You must see this! It is frightening!"

* * *

The Russian soldier at his radar outpost fared no better than his counterpart military radar observers.

"An almost solid line of blips, followed by more solid line of blips? Unbelievable! Are we under attack? No comrade - I have NOT been drinking! Please come quickly!"

Straining beyond human endurance, not a sound is heard from the thousands of spacecraft and even more deafening was the silence from the huge, 4-football field sized spacecraft.

Radar stations around the world repeated the same scenario to their immediate officers, who when they reasoned out every possible quirk their electronic systems may have encountered, called THEIR immediate superiors, answering with the same tartness:

"No Sir, I have NOT been smoking or drinking!"


Chapter Three
"Let's call the whole thing to a halt"

Military command centers around the world, receiving word of the remarkable appearances on their radar screens, started reacting in their customized ways. What was not customized was the effect these massive blips were having on the powers-that-be. They had no answers. As every developed military country's military was preparing for an all out assault on their country, word was received that other countries were undergoing the exact same scenario at their command centers. The military, not known to hold its breath for very long, notified their respective civilian authorities and leaders.

While the military wanted action, the civilian authorities, some wanting action of their own, some developing a "wait-and-see" attitude," had one thing in common - no one had any answers.

"Snowballing" from the radar-men to their immediate superiors, it continued not only through the civilian authorities, but word was leaked to the media of the world. Murders, robberies, train wrecks and wars actually took the second page or localized items in their newspapers and broadcasts. After all, with thousands of spacecraft hovering just outside Earth's atmosphere with every eye to gawk at, how would it be possible for the military or civilian authorities to con anybody to believing they knew what was happening?

"Snowballing" further, journalists, commentators, and even "experts," giving their opinions did not alleviate the overwhelming, breathtaking view of the overhead objects - or its purposes. Doomsday prophets came out in full force, while sarcasm viewed the Earth (and its populace) as a fly about to be swatted by one hell-of-a big flyswatter.

Then it happened - nothing.


While expressions of all types - vocalized cries, nonsensical jabbering, earnest prayers, and even well meaning appeals to these outer space gods by massive bonfires and in some cases human sacrifices were undertaken, still nothing occurred from the spacecrafts.

No sound. No movement. No nothing. They just sat there, like an unchanging wart on the nose.

Day after day, as tension around the world mounted, the daytime still looked like seeing the sun through a fishing net with its shadows everywhere, while the nighttime views made the moon appear reddish orange from the optical illusion created by the crafts and their angle to the sun.

Warring factions from every conflict that was being undertaken - suddenly stopped. Both sides retreated to the presumed safety of their back lines to wonder at this unearthly phenomenon. The hard-core few, unaware of what was taking place, fired sporadic rounds of bullets, but they soon took notice of the firefight ceasing around them to wonder what was happening. Then they too, saw what everyone else was looking at and wondering about.

They too, stopped their battling.

As the days and nights lingered from what seemed like an eternity of doom hanging over Earth, the despicable seed of panic started seeping into the minds. Suicides were slow at the beginning of the first three days, after the fourth day, suicides not only increased, but also those who desired something more out of life determined to take it now, before it was too late to ever get it. Robberies, sexual promiscuity, and even over-indulgence in food ran rampant.

Still, the spacecraft did - and said - nothing.

For four days and nights, tension mounted so great one could almost hear the screams of people in the throes of demanding the spacecraft do something or leave, worldwide, from continent to continent.

Government leaders from every nation gathered and met in marathon discussions, where they could and all admitted slowly loosing control of their respective citizenry whose desperation and panic was mounting. Thinking themselves above desperation and panic, the majority of leaders decided to try and contact the spacecraft.


First they tried radio communications, when that obviously failed, they tried transferring coded messages in laser beams to the crafts. That too, had no effect on the crafts. When word was leaked out to the populace that their governments were failing in their attempts to contact the spacecraft, massive demonstrations started in every country, with violence, even amongst fellow demonstrators, its mainstay. This time, no one was counting the dead in the streets or reporting the vandalized stores, banks, auto dealers, marketplaces, and assaults of all types. No one was really paying attention to the doomsday prophets either, whether from a religious group or a self-devised, impromptu gathering of religious types. Everyone had one thing on their minds - if the spacecraft left it was because of their doings, they were right and the rest of the world was wrong not to agree with them.

But the craft did not leave. They did not move. They made not a sound. They lingered another day and night, to the dismay of the self-righteousness of the theory makers, religious types and doomsday prophets.

In a desperate attempt, those countries capable of doing such, sent rockets into space directly at the huge spacecraft in an attempt to force a communication between them and the Earth. What happened next would be funny if it weren't so serious to the Earth's population - and the military and civilian governments. As the rockets neared the spacecraft, they simply moved aside, let the rockets pass by them to be lost in outer space and moved back to their original positions - and did nothing else.

With frustration screaming in the minds of every person on earth, hopelessness became the watchword by the sixth day and night. Depression ranked as the number one priority destination of humankind.

That all changed the next day.


Chapter Five
"Uh-oh . . ."

On the seventh day and night of the warring planet called Earth, surrounded by a vast armada of extra-terrestrial vehicles from "who knows where," certain selected spacecraft began moving - toward Earth.
The rest stayed in what seemed to be, their immobilized places beyond the ionosphere.

Looking at the Earth's populace from outer space, one could almost swear the Earth was made of pockets of craters from the vast open-mouths that occurred as they noticed the spacecraft approaching. With mouths open and eyes bulging, any attempt to see what was happening - and going to happen - was worth the effort. As one unnamed, invisible human watched the spectacle, he could only utter, "Uh-oh."

As the selected spacecraft neared the terra firma of Earth, military jets worldwide scrambled to flight. Although respected from a military and civilian point of view, the sleekest, fastest most up-to-date military aircraft simply could not cope with the even sleeker, faster and certainly much more advanced spacecraft.

Swooping, and oh, so silent - low over the cities, towns and hamlets of the world, the spacecraft continued in this form of harassment, while the human-made jets shattered windows, dishes and eardrums trying to catch the alien invaders. Two military jet aircrafts approached one spacecraft from two different angles, hoping to catch it in the middle of them. A thought occurred to one of the pilots - what were they to with it if and when they did catch it? Shoot it? Force it to land? If so, how?

The answer came in a split second as the spacecraft simply darted out of sight leaving the two jet aircraft facing each other in what was described as an upper air explosion, leaving a deafening noise with shock and fear to those witnessing the spectacle from below.

Still, the spacecraft continued their harassing of bergs - big and little - around the world. This continued for what seemed like hours. Nothing else happening. Just extra-terrestrial vehicles and military jet aircraft chasing them around the world. As the military jets soon ran out of fuel and had to refuel, the spacecraft simply continued their flights.

As the entire world was standing in streets, fields, hills, vacant lots and, in what was normally empty gaps in the crowded populated cities and towns, suddenly, without warning and seemingly dictated by an unspoken cue, it started.

Simultaneously, the spacecraft fired an unseen force at capital buildings around the world. The only noticeable effect of the firing was a simple air disturbance, then wham! Entire buildings imploded.
No one was hurt or injured, but that was beside the point. The world's capital buildings - here one minute, gone the next. Unbelievable! Astounding! What happened to the bricks? The Mortar? The steel? Their leader's offices? How could all of it just disappear in an instant? As these facts were relayed around the world, the panic flag of human consciousness and awareness started flying ever higher.

Still the military jets could not confront these spacecraft, either with air-to-air missiles or with ground to air missiles. Some of them, missing every one of the spacecraft, unfortunately, landed on their own people. Not blaming themselves and declaring that civilian casualties were a "fact of war," blamed the alien spacecraft for their own blunders. Of course this did nothing to appease the populace, but while the media went off to report these statements, military and civilian leaders huddled and continued heated discussions on what to do about this whole situation. Helplessness and hopelessness was not an option, except to the few who held these apparent facts secretly within themselves.

As university faculty and students were outside the school buildings watching with great intent, the unfolding drama around them, empty university buildings imploded and disintegrated. Not a single book or piece of paper was left. Empty bridges worldwide disappeared as though they never were leaving great chasms where they once spanned. Ancient castles were not immune, neither were the manmade monoliths of giant statues and monuments dedicated to warriors and statesmen of times past, as well as statues honoring saints the world over.

At this point and time, not one human was harmed in any way, except by their own hands in the resulting riots of their own making, nor could any human death be attributed as a direct cause of the alien spacecraft firing and imploding structures worldwide. But and although the human populace was not aware of this important fact, nevertheless, the upheaval generated by the spacecraft's operations underway, the human populace needed someone to blame and the spacecraft, and its occupants were the most handy.


For three days and nights, this terror took place worldwide. As though on command, over Africa and India, 3 entire herds of elephants were disintegrated. Some, not all, flocks of bird, cattle, and other farm animals, in full view of people, were disintegrated.

Try as they may, human-made jets, missiles and gunfire could not produce a stoppage to these spacecraft. Civilian casualties were mounting far out of proportion as a direct result of misses to the spacecrafts.

In the succeeding three days and nights of horror, shantytowns in undeveloped countries disappeared. Before people could react, numerous, but not all, forests were consumed in the wrath of these alien invaders also. Jungles of the world were not unaffected either. Terror reigned in the natives of these faraway places also.

The panic flag of human emotion went entirely off the flagpole of human endurance when, as luck would have it - or was it luck? - The tide turned.


Chapter Six
"Now we got-em!"

As one missile director yelled when a spacecraft was finally hit by a missile, "Gotcha! Hot damn! Take that, you B***d's!" The commanders of the missile site could not believe their eyes! No sooner had the director called his civilian superior than an order was given to fetch the remains of the spacecraft and any possible survivors. Damaged craft is as valuable as whole crafts in examining and determining the source and technology of the crafts themselves. Of even more value would be an alien captured alive.

In armed convoys, the military reached the presumed site of the damage when all they found was hardly a blade of grass undisturbed. They knew the destruction had to be around here somewhere but where? Radioing back and forth revealed no clearer location than where they were standing. What happened to the spacecraft - and its occupants? The answer came soon enough.

As one spacecraft swooped over them, headed toward the nearby forest, an alert ground to air missile-man in the convoy fired at it. Wham! That normally would have excited everybody to no end, but the result of the missile's impact astounded the men in the convoy even more than not finding the site of the first impact - the entire spacecraft and it occupants simply vaporized!

After the shock, the commander of the convoy called his headquarters. Instead of declaring the fantastic news of a hit, he calmly stated what he and his men witnessed. The tone of his message was so matter-of-fact; it was almost like relaying a message interpreted as a simple, "Hello. How are you?" Similar effects on a few more spacecraft worldwide occurred with unnerving effects on those witnessing this scenario. Reports of 30 spacecraft destroyed - vaporized - worldwide reached almost every known inhabitant.

In a roaring deafening silence, as though again, by an unspoken cue, all firing from the spacecraft stopped and all started retreating to join the group of others waiting in space. As the whole world watched, and as one spacecraft lingered for what seemed on purpose, a missile was launched toward it. Holding their breath for what seemed like hours, the human populace stared upwards, wondering. Then it happened - the missile hit, and the spacecraft vaporized. Still, hardly anyone on earth took a breath in fear of it not being so.


Chapter Seven
"Good Lord, I need to breathe"

Then, as astounding as their appearances on radar screens around the world, the thousands of spacecraft, along with its accompanied huge one, started leaving. By 50's and 100's, the spacecraft started leaving. Watching the slowly drifting away of the spacecraft from the warring planet, and as one reporter in a certain country exclaimed, "Good Lord, I need to breathe."

Silent tears started to calmly wash over the populace as though a cleansing tide drifted from somewhere, with great relief and gratitude. Other people, besides the reporter, started breathing again. Gasping at the precious air surrounding the blue and white orb, known as Earth, and relishing every intake and exhale, the sun and moon reappeared as an opening scene of a play, in their normal states. Ever softly did they reappear and never was so welcomed.

The leaders of the world, their clothes and appearances in total disarray, took shallow breaths - something needed to be done to save humans from alien invaders. They all agreed - no country - developed, undeveloped or "not-quite-developed" countries, was immune to attack - ALL had to be protected if not for the maintenance of their respective countries, at least for the propagation of the human race. "Something" had to be done in preparation of the next attack.

Knowing that the technology was not available to counter these spacecraft, and knowing that their common, everyday ordinance was the key, they all decided to take human survival further. Learning of war so many years and eons have taught the best defense is a good offense. To that end, massive economical, medical, agricultural and humanitarian aid was formatted and global in scope.

Volunteer organizations worldwide increased by over 500%, to the point of a fever pitch. Undeveloped countries greatly, graciously, and most urgently accepted any and all aide coming from all directions.
Leisure time was replaced by the giving of grants in any form available, while turning themselves over for volunteerism.

Time was of the essence since the timing of the next wave of attacks was not known. There was no more time for profit making. No more time for self pleasures. No more time to ignore a fellow human being - the one they help and save, just may help and save their life, if push ever come to shove in an alien invasion.

It was hastily decided on a banner of "Cooperation." It was to be the keyword, watchword, and foundation of a world monopoly of human conduct to help one another, if they were to survive any alien assault.

The military, though stabilized in the knowledge of the best weapon available to defeat any incoming alien invasion, was the ordinance they were already aware of - guns bullets, and most of all, missiles. Only this time, they developed them to explode, should they miss a spacecraft, before reaching any human target.

Maintaining their awareness of their duty as military men and women, they took up the time waiting for the next assault by building houses, bridges, hospitals and caring for the sick and infirmed of the world. They divided their time between duty at their posts and duty to their fellow human beings, no matter who they were. The key word was, "Cooperation." Those being helped, once they were able, also took up the banner for their own neighborhoods.

Petty criminals were also put to use, clearing and developing farmlands. Besides building their own sleeping, eating and resting quarters, they were put to good use in nearby towns for the same purpose for others less fortunate.

Religious leaders from all denominations gathered. It was decided that since time is of the essence, they simply cannot waste further time with ritual services, but all regarded their God (or gods) would understand. After all, they were chosen for their particular religion, therefore they must work for the good of their religion and build foundations assisting their fellow humans. They realized, quite vocally, that if ANY religion or religious follower is to survive, they ALL must cooperate, not only with one another but with the general populace as well. The banner of "Cooperation" became their watchword also.

Cooperation becomes the standard of teaching in every school worldwide, as cautious glimpses to the sky occur on a daily basis. "Cooperation" becomes the flag of the world united, over and above their own national flag, so that no one ever forgets, all remember and all are prepared.


Pausing to gaze into the vastness of the expansive, beautiful universe ahead, the first occupant
slowly turned to face the other and said, -



The End - though not yet begun.


Created & Copyrighted - 2004
truemale *
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