Greetings McT! (& Mrs McT, too!)
How are things in OZ? Hmmmm, depends on who you ask, I guess.
Pretty much business as usual ... Hmmmmmm ... let's see:
Spring has come at the correct time.
No end to the drought in sight. Water storages down to very low levels in many areas of southern Oz.
Lots of folk upset at "the financial troubles" Endless, it seems....
Big financial boost from the federal government (spending half the surplus)to various sectors of the Oz community to "boost the economy". (I was not in one of those chosen "various sectors", so I guess I won't be doing much stimulating. So it goes ....

Oh you know, McT ... same old, same old!
How are things in your part of the planet?
I guess you're as surprised as anyone to discover that Gordon is now considered a hero via his famous "resue plan"?