Yup, daylight saving on sunday. The lack of low cost accommodation made the age. someone is scamming students (esp international students).
Rent scam rips off students
The Age (Australia), October 2, 2008
AN ONLINE scam offering cheap rental accommodation is exploiting international students unfamiliar with the best way to find a place to live in Melbourne during a rental property drought.
The Tenants Union of Victoria said yesterday it had received 12 reports of students losing about $1000 each in the past three weeks.
olicy and liaison worker Toby Archer said the scam lured students with promises of cheap rent for inner-city apartments on websites such as easyroommate.com and realestate.com.au, one of Australia’s most popular property sites.
Students were told the Australian landlord was overseas and the first month’s rent and deposit should be paid into an overseas bank account before keys could be posted to the prospective tenant.
“Needless to say, the keys never arrive,” Mr Archer said.