I saw it as a shameless money grab on the part of government.
Perpetuated by desperate tertiary sector/TAFE sector opportunism, in the face of severe cutbacks to education funding.
They had become very dependent on those overseas students' fees.
I also think Labor should have acted much earlier than it did. Quite a bit of this occurred on its watch.
The Indian bashing episodes by yobs in Melbourne were shocking, disgraceful, to be sure. And yes, racially motivated.
But I seriously think the reactions by the Indian media were sensationalist & other-the-top. Say nothing of racist, as well. Possibly more racist than they were accusing of Australians of being.
Did you read/see many of the Indian media reports?
I made a point of doing so at the time.
At one stage there were claims that the Victorian police were not taking the attacks seriously, not trying hard enough to find the perpetrator of an attack, because the victim was Indian.
There were incidents of criminal activity in Melbourne (say nothing of interstate) which involved Indian perpetrators .... which were played down by our local media, in the hope of calming the situation. We tend to be very touchy about these things, I think you'd agree.
I am in no way excusing violent racist Melbourne yobs, please understand. I don't approve or tolerate them
anywhere. But with so many more Indians in Melbourne, in relatively small pockets of the city, It was not surprising (sadly) to me that they
also became victims of crime & violence.
The thing that disappointed me about various Labor government representatives' trips to India to smooth relations with the two countries is that they seemed to focus more on
trade & loss of a lucrative earner, more than anything else.