My Full Respect to Snooks
Snooks I would like for you to know that I owe you as much respect as possible for your opinion on this topic. I like the way you think, Snooks, which is similar to how my mom felt about the whole child support issue when I was growing up b/c my drunken father never paid his child support. First of all, I do believe that every father shall be required to pay child support on his child or children. I also believe that a father who refuses to pay or refuses to pay adequately and on time should be punished. However, not every father will pay child support like they should, regardless of the consequences. But that's just part of life, and every situation is different. In my situation, my father never paid child support. Thus, my mother had to work her ass off (yeah I said ass, sure hope that didn't offend anyone lol) to rear me from child birth. She put in 40 hour work weeks, made sure I had clothes to wear, dealth with two verbally abusive husbands, and switched jobs three or more times for legitimate reasons. She was always wise to tell me how much my father truly loved me even though he made little effort to see me, as well as the fact that he drank and raised hell on those 3 weekends per year I was able to visit him. Like Snooks, my momma knew that life was a bitch and that if she was going to make it successfully and worth while, she would have to suck it up and value every moment in time while I was still her little baby. Today I'm 18 years old, just graduated high school and headed to a State University for college, and I am still her little baby. Needles to say, my mother worked hard to show me that you can't always expect something such as a child support checks and that money isn't the ingredient of happiness. Like Snooks, my mom did everything possible to provide for me during the year, and made christmas extra special. Of course I was her only child and still am which made it a lot easier, but I never had to feel at shame for having to be on such a strict budget b/c mom never involved me in what my father did and didn't do, thus I didn't know any different. Now that I look back, I can't even imagine the guilt and shame I would have felt as a young child if my mom were to have wasted so much time on trying to get child support checks worked out. When you're young, money issues aren't something you understand, yet hearing your parent stress over the issue and complain makes you as a child paranoid. Congratulations Snooks! You are another one of those few wise and and fantabulous super moms that took one step at a time to wade through all of life's battles with success! Trust me, your tactful ways of rearing your boys will always pay off! I have learned from my mom that seeking revenge is almost the worst thing a person can do and that by hanging low and allowing things to mellow out will make life so much more enjoyable and I'm sure your children have learned the same from you. Have a wonderful life, and I just know that your grand kids are going to cherish you with all their hearts, forever!
P.S. - And I'm sorry to anyone that I may have offended. Like I stated before, Every situation is different. I believe that any mom that has a job to support their kids, or had a job while raising their kids, are mom's that care and deserve A LOT for raising their kids and providing the best life they could for them, reguardless if child support was an issue. I believe that everyone should fight to receive child support, but keep in mind that what is most important is that they are working for their children. I hope this last paragraph makes sense, It's extremely late and I'm exhausted.