Oh my god this is soooooo cool!
I have to start this story with an incident a few months back.
I woke up one morning to Mr Wolf almost yelling at me to get into Bean's room. I jumped out of bed and dashed in there thinking something was wrong with her. I opened the door and her dresser was tipped over.
( let me set up her room..)
Small room about the size of an apartment 2nd bedroom. Her bed, if you are standing in the doorway ) is to the right of the room against the wall close to the window. The wall directly in front of you has 2 black storage boxes stacked on top of each other. To the left of the room are 2 closet doors that are always closed. In front of one of them is her changing table. Just to the right of her changing table is her dresser. Her dresser has 5 drawers. It is about 3 feet wide and 4 feet tall. Not very small to say the least.
Well, her dresser was tipped over, her drawers pulled out and clothes were stacked in neat piles under and around her dresser.

Not something that would happen if it just fell over.
So of course Mr Wolf and I were a little shocked. Bean was staring at the dresser just laughing . Wouldnt look at either one of us until she was out of the room. Pretty cool.
Last night, I was going upstairs to put away some clothes. At the top of the stairs we have a ceiling fan . In this is a 100 watt bulb that blinds everything. ( ug ) I get to the top of the stairs and I look to my right twords beans play room and this very tall extremely BRIGHT figure is moving into her playroom. I walk twords it and I watch it dissappear into the wall twords the front of the house.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that..... was just way cool!!!!!!!!!