Fri 21 Jan, 2005 12:01 am
Learning to Use Flash (Who knew it would be such a hassle)
Since I've had a lot of free time recently, I have been roaming the internet and checking out some of the coolest (and funniest) sites around. I noticed that all of the best were made in flash.
Being the compulsive learner that I am, I decided that I would grab some tools to begin trying to find out how to do it on my own. The only problem was that any good software is in the high hundreds of dollars. Luckily, I knew where to get a free copy of Macromedia's Coldfusion 5/ Ultradev 4 Studio.
Excited as I brought the large box home, I opened it up expecting to find some amazing surprise inside (why else would it weigh so much?).
To my dismay, there were two cd's in there. What was the rest of the weight? Almost 2000 pages of small font, ultra compact text with very few pictures. One book (694 pages) is just a dictionary of computer code. The other three are extremely specific user manuals for the various programs inside of that damnable box.
At least I'll get a good work out as I burn my retinae away...
Oh great...upon further inspection I have found that not a single page in those four books describes anything about how to use the Flash MX program. I feel like an idiot.
Not only because the package I got was for web developement, but also because I'm talking to myself and nobody is likely to be interested in this topic anyway...
Macromedia puts out a good series of books for learning their programs. It starts off a little slow but by the time you are done you have a pretty good grasp on things. You can extend your knowledge after that by picking up the Flash actionscripting book.
Thanks, I'm going to check online to see if I can find if Macromedia has the flash books on their site.