Sweetie, you exist if only to make me feel better. Thanks
Dayum, Kwistie.
I hate hospital smell too...
Ohh.. if you drive your car into a wall you get insurance money
good plan.
and possibly take out some stupid people in the process. I'd be sure to hit somewhere where lots of stupid people hang out.
One good thing today (to stay positive...) my boss is not in...Ultra relaxed day.
I am still in this mood....grrrrrrrrr..........................
WTF? Gurl, you need an enema!
ill whop yer ass at a few games of pool...
that will make you feel better.
Nothing like bright red spanked butt cheeks from sweet ol'e me to make your day brighter!
What seems to be your most major problem?
I seriously think I have Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder, which is a more severe form of PMS. Instead of normal mild depression, irritability and other physical symptoms of PMS, PMDD includes anxiety, anger, "on the edge" behavior, large mood swings and all the other fun physical symptoms of PMS. I have to track my moods for the next two months to see if my anger, irritability and anxiey peak the week before and for a few days during my period. My best friends sister was diagnosed with PMDD incorrectly....they later diagnosed her with bi-polar disorder. Great.
I decided to check this out after an episode with my husband on Friday...
We are driving home from the hospital (went to see MIL) and it is about 8:45pm. He says he wants a vanilla flavored coffee. Under normal circumstances I probably would have said, "why are you going to drink a coffee this late? You'll be up all night." very casually and sort of, like uh, duh, you don't drink coffee this late at night. I, however, yelled (yell is a key word) "YOU ARE NOT GETTING A COFFEE THIS LATE!" He looked over at me like "excuse me?" I really wasn't sure where that even came from.
We began talking about it then, and I asked if this happens only around my time or if he sees this all month long. He said, no, it was a monthly occurance. He also said that if I wanted to talk to a dr. about this little problem, he'd be the first in line to drive me there. My husband is at his wits end. These outbursts are not uncommon. Looking back, I can think of all sorts of nasty things I've done or said. I never really thought too much about it.
shewolfnm wrote:ill whop yer ass at a few games of pool...
that will make you feel better.
Nothing like bright red spanked butt cheeks from sweet ol'e me to make your day brighter!

I like red ass cheeks....
Yikes, well at least you are realizing it's a bigger than normal problem.
All the best to you in finding a solution...before none of us here get to have any coffee!
Wow, you must be a FUN woman to live with!
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Wow, you must be a FUN woman to live with!
Only for 1 week a month.
Which is why I am looking into this. I feel horrible about it.
Thanks for making me feel worse about being such a bitch.
That's why I'm here, toots.
Kristie, definitely look into it, but don't overlook just basic frustration levels etc. That's pretty common, that you're frustrated about some big issue and don't address it and it comes out when you least expect it. Is there anything about your relationship with your husband that frustrates you that links in some way to this episode? Different sleeping patterns, impracticality, you having to deal with the effects of his bad decisions...?
Keeping a log of this is great Kristie. It will give a doc something to work with. You might even be able to go back to O'Bill's quitting smoking thread to see if there's a trace of any pattern in there. You also had another thread which seemed to be sorta PMS related - when you looked at the timeline. It mighta got lost in that data loss in the autumn.
hmmm, seems to me l'k had a thread on something similar that she used as a log to refer to
PMS was not so commonly known about as a syndrome when I was younger, and the dysphoria is a relatively new term, I think. But I know I had it.
In my memory, the things wrong in my life when I was so irritable weren't any different than a week earlier, they just aggravated me more, with more sleepless nights fuming to myself about one thing or another. I tended to be a fumer-to-self anyway, being raised to avoid harsh words. I remember being worked up about some pretty stupid things besides any underlying serious matters... both kinds of concerns would get me going.
Time passed, I aged, and became menopausal, thus setting off on some years of hormone therapy, not then the contraindicated treatment it is now, at least in long term.
Immediately, if not sooner, my emotional waves settled down.
I don't know what they do for pms or pmdd now, but I'd sure look into it as you are discussing doing.