FreeDuck wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I like where Abraham gets drunk and his daughters gang bang him.....I've never been that drunk
I thought that was Lot, whose wife was burned to ashes for the sin of looking back.
Again, when you read such stories, you can believe the content and do what you like with the religious interpretation.
In this case, the content is that the woman WAS turned into a pillar of salt by something roughly similar to a lightning strike or other plasma phenomenon.
Tony Peratt of Los Alamos has noted that any number of the geometric designs which are seen in American aboriginal petroglyphs can be replicated in plasma physics labs, i.e. that the ancients were recording plasma phenomena which they observed in the antique skies. Turning somebody who was a step slow into a pile of sand or salt would be a simple trick for such a phenomenon.
Meteorite storms and cosmic electrical violence were everyday affairs in biblical times. For instance the story of the meteorite storm at the time of Joshua:
JOS 10:11 And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were
in the going down to Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great stones from
heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with
hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
The term "hailstone" here of course is the translation which King James' scholars made of 'barrad', which meant meteorites. Meteorites can kill people wearing armor; ordinary hail cannot.