Not improbably, it was to this latter class of men that Mr.
Hiama ( name changed to hoodwink you), by many of his traits of character, naturally belonged.
To the high mountain peaks of faith and sanctity he would have
climbed, had not the tendency been thwarted by the burden, whatever it might be, of crime or anguish, beneath which it was his doom to totter. It kept him down on a level with the lowest; him, the man of ethereal attributes, whose voice the angels might else have listened to and answered!
Sounds like George Eliot! Am I right?
Not Daniel Deronda? Middlemarch?
Wow! I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy outta my league here. Mary Ann Evans I know, but that sure don't sound like Silas Marner.
Ok Scarlet - ( thats the clue by the way )
My Gawd, hiama. Nathaniel Hawthorn and the character is Reverend Arthur Dimsdale. Be True! Be true! Be True! but hiama hasn't said that be true.
Then be true it is fair maiden-for thy guess is of the noblest lineage and I would gainsay you no more for to leave such a lack of substantiation of thy work's provenance might solicit thoughts that my behaviour was untoward and bereft of any of the kindliness one has come to expect at this forum. My lance is pledged to you and I will be happy to carry thine colours should you think fit to elevate me to such a bestowal. :wink:
The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer
No it was all just me - sorry for unknowingly misleading you , it was not a quote
heehee - More like Scott's "Ivanhoe"!
Please - be my guest - carry away!
"If the roof of the house had suddenly flown off, the old
gentleman wouldn't have been more astonished. But he liked it.
Oh, dear, yes, he liked it amazingly! And was so touched and
pleased by that confiding little kiss that all his crustiness
vanished, and he just set her on his knee, and laid his
wrinkled cheek against her rosy one, feeling as if he had got his
own little grand daughter back again"
Oh heavens -I KNOW that one so well - but i cannot think of it! Waaaaaah!
Now that must be the weaver, Silas. Right? In the style of George Eliot
While we are waiting, who is this?
On and on; on and on
We never moved nor motioned.
As still as though a picture were
A painting of the ocean.
Nope, the marmy was a BIG clue, how about another clue:-
"I detest rude, unladylike girls!"
"I hate affected, niminy-piminy chits!"
Hmmmmmmmm. The mother in Little Women was referred to as marmy, I think. O.K. That's my next guess-- Louisa Mae Alcott.
yes thats right Letty.
Was it Samuel Taylor Coleridge "The Ancient Mariner " ?