Words are tools.
Swear words are useful in some contexts but in other contexts a different type of word would be better. F*ck is a very useful word in the english language dating back five hundred years, I think our language would be the poorer without it.
I find it hard to believe that a cosmic being who created the entire universe would be troubled by colourful language or slang. If he/she is, then that's really his/her f*ing problem.
Theantibuddha, very funny. You've earned your moniker.
Lol, yeah, and also saying "God dammit" to me isn't against God at all! I mean, it's like praying. Addressing God, with the word "God" and then saying "dammit" about somthing that you want to be damned. Ya get me?
Quote:Addressing God, with the word "God" and then saying "dammit" about somthing that you want to be damned. Ya get me?
Except I think I can safely say that most people aren't actually praying for God to damn something when they say that. Thus, it's taking his name in vain. A sin, according to the Bible.
Rex the Wonder Squirrel wrote:Thus, it's taking his name in vain. A sin, according to the Bible.
A common misconception. Taking the lords name in vain actually refers to perjury or foreswearing any oath taken upon God.
Finally, someone who kinda agrees!
Remember the distinct between sin and crime: "sin" refers to a violation of supernatural/religious law; "crime" refers to a violation of human/social law. In some societies cussing in certain situations is a crime. And, of course, sometmes the two are combined. For example, blasphamy in an Islamic theocracy may be punishable by physical pain or injury, and stealing from a church may be both a crime and a sin.
bouncychicken92 wrote:Finally, someone who kinda agrees!

Ummm, you've got to realise that to me "goddamnit" and "god bless" are no more meaningful than "may the force be with you". They're both expressions taken from a popular work of fiction.
However as an unbiased observer... okay, biased as hell but unbiased on whether act 'X' is a sin... I've been able to learn that 'taking the lord's name in vain' doesn't mean what most people assume it does.
I swear a lot over "things," like computers, sewing machines, kitchen equipment because I have so little patience and would much rather be outdoors.
Shouting obscenities at someone else is ridiculous and could lead to something like picking up a vase or fireplace poker and, well, hitting them. Now, that's a sin, er, crime. Probably, it hurts the swearer, rather than the swearee.
Coming from some, swearing is funny. Depends.
my favorite cuss phrase is
"crazy @$$ B*tch" it's great