Mon 17 Feb, 2003 02:18 pm
Which right or freedom is most crucial to America's democratic way of life?
Freedom of religion 8% 2251 votes
Freedom of speech 23% 6483 votes
Right to bear arms 62% 17174 votes
Right to due process 4% 1177 votes
Right to trial by jury 2% 670 votes
Total: Total Votes: 27,755
Here's the link ---
The Poll
Right to bear arms!?!?! That's wacked.
That's the way it was - I thought the same.
I went and looked. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that it's at the history channel's website.
as littlek once told me the "right to bare arms ranked above the right to arm bears."
I would not be able to choose a single right to place above all else. Their strength is in the combining of each of the elements to work hand in hand.
I too think the site has too many of a certain type, not a true cross section of thinkers.
"Right to bear arms" would be absolutely my LAST choice of all of those offered. Its "right" should be subservient to all of the others. If we don't have the others, we should do away with firearms!
Dys - did you vote for bare arms? or for arming bears?
I'm happy being about to speak as I wish...
Democratic way of life? In order of importance:
Freedom of speech
Right to due process
Freedom of religion
Right to trial by jury
Right to bear arms.
The right to due process, so that any of the other rights can be fought for.
Where did they take that poll? I can't believe a cross section of the country would say the right to bear arms is the most important.
Dream - I don't know - other than the history channel.
Freedom of Speech. The rest more or less procede from that.
I voted for freedom of speech as well. But the right to bear arms would be #2 on my list. Without it, only the rulers would have weapons - very dangerous indeed. The American Revolution comes to mind as one of the most important examples in defense of the right to bear arms.
Historically I think Religion as #1, Arms #2.
Today however I think it is more Speech, Due Process, and Arms in general.
Personally, I voted Speech although its a dang close tie with Arms, and if it came down to it, if I had to choose, Arms would come first.
I don't see how one can logically be seperated from the rest. They are all dependent on each other. It's only when you weave the various rights together that you come up with the fabric of American society.
yeah i have to go with fishin' on this one any without the other doesn't make it.
i blanched when i read the list of "freedoms" because underlying them all is the RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE.
if that fundemental right is not recognized, how can the subsequent 'rights' which flow from it be debated and weighed?
of course this is precisely the right which robert bork dismissed in his writings prior to his SCOTUS nomination hearings in '87.