I pay homage in the presence of the blessed five digit practitioners.
Nevertheless, what are you doing about the sorry plight of: Macrotis lagotis, not to mention Bettongia lesueur? Eh!
"The rabbit is one of the greatest pests of the pastoral industry in Australia, and has fundamentally altered ecosystems" (Wilson et al,10).
In good seasons, there may have been one billion rabbits. As 16 rabbits eat as much as one sheep (Short,1985), this is equivalent to approximately 60 million sheep.
By directly competing for food and habitat the rabbit has displaced many small to medium size marsupials such as the greater Bilby, Macrotis lagotis (now an endangered species), and the burrowing Bettong Bettongia lesueur, (now extinct on the mainland)

. The disappearance of these marsupials is reputed to have occurred only after areas were invaded by rabbits. (Willson et al 10,1992)
Legs 11 and counting.