Try wrote:
"Things not to say to a cop when he pulls you over:
Hey, you must have been doing 125 to keep up with me, good job."

I think I'll make some up.
I can't beleive you finally caught me...your're not a dumb as you look!
I know why you pulled me over, you want me to buy a ticket to the policeman's ball. What's that you said, policeman don't have balls?

(i didn't make that one up)
"Why were you weaving mam?" "It isn't easy trying to roll a joint and steer at the same time you know, here hold this for me <hands a bag of pot to cop> while I find my brand new stolen license, I can't beleive how much this person looks like me, here look,...what do you think? Carbon copy of me or what?!
"Mam, I don't think this person looks like you at all"
"Does to!"
"No, they don't mam."
"YES, they do!...Open the trunk and have a look for yourself!"
<pops trunk>
"This person is black, you're white!"
<rolls eyes at cop>
"Take the hood off, Einstein"
"Oh yeah, I see what you mean. Look mam, I'm not to bright, I even had to cheat on the simple test they gave me to get this job!...I can't beleive I said that! Look, if I give you a free ticket to the 'Policemans Ball' will you keep your mouth shut?"

"Huh? ya, whatever."
Moral to this story-
If a policeman gives you a ticket, take it and keep your mouth shut!
(Mode delete - legal considerations)
"Wow, was that hot or what! You could make millions from that."

Dear Tryagain,
How do you, do that voo-doo, that you do, so well?