<How to derail a thread, or make it more interesting, Slappy-style>
Four digits only? Fisting is where the action is. Hooya.
Grats on your new status as a Seasoned Member. You smell a lot better now.
wow, you finally made it.
DAMN, that was the longest climax i have ever seen
( wipes it up )
Oh, and Tryagain, I'm not British, although I almost wish I were. I am naturally reserved, though.
smog wrote:shewolf, you're naughty!
Who me?
psst... oh yeah.. um about that oil stuff??
yeah.. uh.. when are ya gonna put it on?
I recall the day I reached the coveted realm of the four-digit poster. It was raining that day, a hard rain that caused the windows to shake. Somebody was writing something about a small yellow snake they had encountered while hiking the stone steps to Machu Picchu. I wrote a response, glanced at the window as the waves of rain continued their noisy assault, and then, when I looked back at the screen I came to the realization that my last post was also my one thousandth.
I started shaking, but quickly regained my composure. I picked my bottle of beer, took a long cool drink, and then pumped my fist in the air in a celebratory fashion. I also let out a tentative "Yeeeeha", set my beer back down, and resumed reading.
-edit- Do not use names that could frighten children). ""Prophet!" He said, "thing of evil! -- Prophet still, if bird or devil!
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore--.
"Got a buck for a cup of coffee?"
Who are you? I asked, "I'm raven," said he.
"Be that word our sign in parting!"
I shrieked, upstarting --
"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!
With that, he got into a stretched limo to be seen - Nevermore.
My adventure ended with a most marvellous encounter with a beautiful French model by the name of, Nespah. I stopped to ask where I might purchase a chocolate bagel with sprinkles. She said, "You are very trying. N'est-ce pas?"
Usual apologies, disclaimers, waivers, credits, trademarks, copy-write, persons living or otherwise, public liability, health warning, thanks etc.
Last but not least Cav, who knew where it was at.
Oh, and to all those who know me, and those that don't.
The kids at the orphanage et al.
The supplier of fine wines to Gus.
Kickey's doily maker.
Slappy's hairdresser.
Five guys named Moe.
Baby bunnies.
Fin: :wink:
I recall being in Montreal once, long before my thousandth post, and a bit rusty with my French. I was looking for that well-touted Quebec dish with fries, gravy and cheese curds. I walked into a dingy establishment and asked for some fine poutain. They led me into the back room and introduced me to their horrendously ugly daughter, and wanted cinquante dollares for the experience. I ran like hell, and after that day, learned to pronounce 'poutine'.
I can just see it now..
Kicky's house covered in doilies,
Gus slouching out of his chair with a bottle of Chateau Haut Brion Blanc 1955 1ere Grand Cru Classe Pessac pressed to his lips ( wich is really full of Mad Dog 20/20 orange )
Slappy in his little black tights and fluffy shirt parading around like a french maid with a fake accent and Tryagain sitting in the corner taking black mail photos of it all.
we miss all the fun. ;-)
Tryagain wrote:Smog, ?I'm not British?
Apologies buddy; I read that Old London Town was full of smog. 2+2 and all that.
No apologies necessary. I'm actually rather flattered.
cavfancier wrote:I recall being in Montreal once, long before my thousandth post, and a bit rusty with my French. I was looking for that well-touted Quebec dish with fries, gravy and cheese curds. I walked into a dingy establishment and asked for some fine poutain. They led me into the back room and introduced me to their horrendously ugly daughter, and wanted cinquante dollares for the experience. I ran like hell, and after that day, learned to pronounce 'poutine'.
A truly funny story. With your permission, I would like to put this in my tool-box to be re-used time and time again. Names will be changed to protect the guilty.
Shewolf, it sounds as if you have already seen the uncut version. I was thinking of posting stills to generate sales.
Smog, you appear to be in the wrong time zone. You should have been a Knight in shinning armour. A super hero, a King Arthur righting wrongs, saving maidens sort of guy. Oh, you will also need a white charger. Or, so a Fairy told me.
Perhaps a change in time zones will come for me someday. Until then, I will have to remain satisfied with my chivalrous deeds and day-saving ventures.
I wish you well in your quest. However, remember the old saying, "Don't turn north, because the further north you travel, the more things there are that will eat your horse".
By this, I don't mean Canada. I'm not even going there.
I haven't gotten over the pain of loosing a million bucks in the TV quiz. When asked the question, "Name three things that have come out of Canada".
1. The French.
2. The Brits.
But dang me I could not come up with the last one. :wink:
Francis, vous me faites le rire.
Tryagain wrote:Francis, vous me faites le rire.

Vous m'incitez à sourire toute l'heure... votre un cadeau. :-)
Turtlette, try "you're a gift" instead of "your a gift"...
Welcome to A2K!
Thank you Francis.
I have to admit, I don't speak french, (copy & paste alert!) but I appreciate a discerning eye.
I'll try again-
Vous me faites le sourire, vous êtes un cadeau
Although not perfect, (dont write "le" before "sourire") it's really better
And for our riddling friend, Tryagain!
Francis wrote:Although not perfect, (dont write "le" before "sourire") it's really better

Francis, you are a tough customer...here goes, I shall try again-
Vous me faites sourire, vous êtes un cadeau!
<fairly confident that the above twice altered statement shall do the trick for Try

lil' ol' turtlette decides to relax and enjoy the sunny day> :wink:
Thank you Francis.