G'day DrFlawless, welcome to A2K. I'm sure you'll love this site.
My brother recently got a new airbrush. He's just done a painting of a tiger that is spectacular. I'm trying to get him to give it to me. I've got a perfect wall for it.
I'm not into the art world, I just heard it mentioned on the radio somewhere. Britain and the US were mentioned.
In Australia he's more known as an entertainer and aboriginal historian than as an artist.
dlowan wrote:Oh dear goddess - I consider him a Brit now- they have had him for fifty years!
Your'e right bunny rabbit we have had him for fifty years, and we've been trying to give him back for the last 49 of em.
i didn't like him until he did Animal Hospital and then he came across as really caring an d genuinely nice - still think his humour is awful though!