Open Letter to Software Industry:
Given, 'look less like a Letter, wishing however the phrase to look like, 'Look Less Like a Letter,' when I hightligh 'Look Less Like ' then go 'Edit, Transformations, Capitalize,' I get 'Look Less Like A Letter' [see, fellas, the diff ?? The 'a' is cap [that's short for 'capital' or 'capitalized,' meanin' 'to make big.']
Yes yes yes, a2k'er tryin' to do it too, I know, din't do it for ya, but if you chat w/me
[email protected] , I'll 'splain 'n'tail
Oh and fellas, it's that IQ req'm't: I know how tough 'tis, but 'hightligh' not just 'Highlight Coffee, [whatevere thaxt is] is a missp of 'highlight,' which means to hold ur mouse key down [the left'n not the right] and move the mouse so it pojs]ts a bluish cover on a word or [hrase. Oh, sorry, 'phrase' means '2 or more words.'
Dale Hileman
Apple Valley
[Home'v the Never S'fied Dale]