Open Letter to a2k's 'swell's all kinds'a Editors Everywhere
['s'well's The Software Community]:
[Not to mention Wordsmith, that excellent ref for missp words, like Dale'sd so good at]
From AP [who should know better], 'Study: Women less likely to get CPR' prompts me to complain [bitterly, I 'pain about everything, that way] over the story where the abbr isn't spelled out--even once. Turrible. So I asked my Better Half Enerval, who is much smarter'n me: Doncha 'gree with me 'bout spellin' 'em out ? whereupon she replied, 'No,
everybody knows CPR.'
WELL, then, whatzit?' i responded.
'Cardio Pulmonary sumpt]hin',' she replied.
'Okay,' I laughed, "Then how about 'AC-DC?' "
'Alternating Current.'
'So how about DC?'
'Decelerating Current,' she advised.
Dale Hileman
Apple Valley
[Home of 'The Dr.', or 'Decelerating resuscitation']
[So, you fine, repeatedly lauded—everywhere, even Cedar Rapids, Iowa--A2K Editors, let me take this remarkable opportunity to 'plain once more about the millions of missps in today's SSC (who apparently are selected by Its Industry on the basis of IQ (the lower the better). Now, yes, guys, 'Recisitation' is indeed a missp of 'Revisitation,' but even more common, of 'Resuscitation.' I know it's a tough'n fer ye, but it means, 'breathin' life inta.' Ask ur Boss !!
Yes guys, I know 'Service Springs Solutions Connect,' but owin' to Glitch # 5,439,992 (an old'n), you somehow omitted 'Software-Speller Correctors.']
[Oh fellas, and about the 'WELL,' it's Software Glitch # 765,230,982 (b), where after I highlighted an entire sentence,
you leave the first word in caps. And 'sumpt]hin' is a missp of 'sumpthin,' or 'something,' which means 'a thing of some kind.' Yes, I realize how I'm pushin''t, but if you contact me at
[email protected] I'll 'splain.
…while " i, " jus' standin' there 'lone like that, should be cap. (Capital, that means 'big.') I'll s'plain how sum'vus don' use them periods (dot, b'l'o 'the end'va abbr, there, where't means 'ital.') ]
[[[Will, 's'okay to 'clude my add's, 'cause, hell, at 87 (Sat, day b4 yesterday) I was 87….could wake up dead tomorrow…but you been usin'
all my OP's lately...
…oh and if'y' wonder how come today's's' so short, t's'cause'v that dam' Software Glitch # 6,404,710 (v) that cuts off the bottom of my Letter when the bott'v the Edit Square keeps jumpin' up, down, up, down. Wonder why 's'been so hard to fix.... You'd think they'd'v fix'tit b4 now !! Been almost 12 years !!
…or was it (w) ?]]]