Fri 10 Nov, 2017 01:20 pm
Thanks to A2k Chief Reader William W [or was it M] and his continuing and remarkably successful—in spite of so many competitive Chat Rooms— A2K, with all its excellent inputs from vy intelligent contr'b's's !! , and of course to AP--for a recent article...
But I call ur attn to 'Memoir provides blunt take on year in space', [ article I read (red] somewhere...]: For the many coincidental parallels 'tween astronaut Scott Kelly's life and my own !! F'rinstance, '…the feeling no one cared… ('ceptin', see my 3d para b'lo), age, prostate cancer, retirement, '…terrible student…,' '…attention deficit…,' below-average guy..,' '...the bad stuff…; ' …
I [Dale] Even, '…wrote a book…,' though his is gettin' sold where I'm still sittin' on a pile of rejection slips. However, there are some diffs: Like, '…at Mission Control in Houston…space flight…,' 'A Lifetime of Discovery,' 'Journey to the Stars…', '...above average stuff…'
But '...troubled marriage..., ' where my Better Half is the best, takes care o' me like a li'l kid, Lov'r !!. Tho she doesn't read my Letters, I'll insist on this'n' !! Huh, Enerval !!
Dale Hileman
Apple Valley
[Home of the Untroubled Loser]
[Oh Lem, Ekim,which 'Ccc:' addr is right ? There a Software Glitch, # 446,296,701 (f) that won't lemme delet the bad'n's's'.]
[Oh Orbit, after some 6 years now, hope you've fixed that flaw in ur otherwesie xcellent water timer.]
[Oh, a d Software Idiots: 'Strs' is not just a 'kind of analysis,' but also a missp of 'Stars,' them twinkly things up in the sky..
…while 'a d' is a missp of 'and.' Surely you know that'n's's' !! If y' know "knowe'' 's a missp of 'know,' then y'not' know 'Star' ?? Where you been the last 18 years ?? !!]