Open Letter to (1) All a2k'ers; (2) All Sftw Gen's's':
Wow !! At last !! And I 'plained about it for only 18 years straight !! [or was it 12] !!
When I clicked 'Sftwr' it actually came up with sugg'd 'Software' !!!!!!!! nd three letters missin' !!!
I credit such adv ancement to my repeated complaints here at a2k. Fella a2k'ers, I hafta 'splain, lotsa this stuff goes somewhere you'd never guess: Once it's on the Web, you're not jus' chattin' w/ a bunch of equally intelligent a2k'ers but to The Entire World, to God, forever !!
Now let's talk about 'nd' nd 'adv ancement'. Will each of these require some 12 more years? You just gotta fix that typo in ur Hiring Guide !
Edited to add, there's somethhn' else, and I been 'plaini ' now only for a few months:
Quote:UR(also ur)
abbreviation informal
you are or your: thank you for ur lovely review! | I'm sorry ur sick!
Actually copied from the 'dict' box !! First time in decades I tried, and it worked !!! Thanks, guys!!!
Oh just one more thing tho, 'somethhn'. Yes, 'smoothen,'
yes, good for you !! but also 'something.' The second 'h' s/bin an 'i', the reason for the deficit, the keys are so close together on the keyboard. Oh, 'keyboard,' that's what you type on. Msg for your Boss: You jus' gotta look into that IQ reqm't