Wed 5 Jan, 2005 05:43 pm
Just a really quick question here. Do any of you know if it is illegal for an ex landlord (just moved out on the 31st.) to call up a boss and state his opinions of the condition of the house upon our vacating? Just want to know if this is legal, i was pretty sure that everything had to be in writing after we moved out of the house, and that contact with a BOSS was NOT RIGHT! Thanks for any input!
how did your landlord get your boss's number?
Region... most prudent landlords do a background check on prospective tenants. Employment history, etc.
I believe the Landlord is within his rights to communicate with your employer... and that there is nothing illegal about his doing so unless he misrepresents the facts.
If you left the apartment a shambles, he can say so.
That would not be "slander", especially if he has photos and documents to prove his allegations.
I do not know how the landlord got the phone number because it is a new job, so he had to do some heavy searching in order to do so. And as for the second post, we did not leave the house in shambles. We were unable to do the necessary cleaning such as carpet cleaning etc. the thing that he is most upset about is water damage, that is due to HIS neglect. The shower leaks, and he was suppose to put in a shower door to prevent damage, he never did, so i dont see how that water damage is our fault. anyway, i did call a lawyer yesterday, and she said that this infact slander. Thanks for all the input though.