Sat 1 Jan, 2005 03:07 pm
Can anyone help with my enigma?
When i first bought my PC, my C Drive had 20 Gigs of space. Now, since some kid worked on my computer, it shows only 2 Gigs total. Once I opened the box and checked the actual hard drive, it's still the original and labelled 20Gig, but under Properties, it shows a total of 2 Gigs.
Is there some type of setting that I should know about to use my hard drive to its maximum capacity?
Did he partition your drive? Are there more drives showing under "My Computer" than there were before?
Or is it showing "available space" instead of "total space"?
Just new year's day guesses.
hey thanks alot!
it turns out it was partitioned. lots of space now.
Happy New Year!!!