o3o I'm no good at math. I'll sit back and let you math gurus solve this one, then poach the answer tomorrow so that I know all the 250 spots are gone to others who know how to solve this.
Give me a puzzle or a treasure hunt clue anyday...
This one is extremely easy. You write exactly what is stated in the puzzle in equation form, then simplify.
lolzz this is very easy....
and that's about it
but then you're left with number = x + y.....how do you figure x and/or y?
Quote:but then you're left with number = x + y.....how do you figure x and/or y?
We don't care - the question doesn't ask how many piles are in each group.
Kind of didn't know what I was doing on this one, but somehow came up with an answer, and it appears to check out.
Would have been simpler if I had remembered this. I did it a strange way instead.
I probably could have done these math LCs far better 30 years ago!
yes you do, you have to find out was x + y is, then do x TIMES y to get the REAL ANSWER
Huh, it says "How many piles of dung does the user have?", so it's added, not multiplied.
whoops...was thinking opposite of "divided by" would be multiply it back.....lol

it's early...
That's fine.

Totally understand. I've had situations where I didn't read the "fine print" on Lenny Conundrums. Surprised I haven't had more of those situations, actually.
Almost wrote in the wrong answer

but i think im too late to get any of the top 250
Hi, everyone! I am new here...
I am also solving the new quiz from Lenny Conumdrum and i already submited my answer. I guess that my the aswer is wrong but I have to go on holiday soo.
I just to wish good luck for everyone
Btw sorry for my english
My mind is absolutely collapsed now. I used to do a lot of problems like this when I was a child (I went to a school for people... how do you say it... that learned very quickly), and now, I go all confident 'This LC is mine', and then I go and afyet a couple of pages decide this is a complete mess.
So I'm out of the competition for this week... unless divine knowlegde or something like that enlightens me. But I insist, it's easy. It's just that trying to become a doctor and mathematics don't go well together
Gl to you all!
haha i took 1545(x-y)=3(x^2-y^2)
simplyfied it. and then tryied putting it back in the equation. it took me about 10 mins to realize that x+y WOULD b the total amount of piles...
(x-y)'s cancel, leaving:
So would 1545 be the answer?
wowwww.... all i gotta say is 10 years ago in HS I was really good in math (not kidding) and I know this is basic freshman algebra.... and yet I don't remember a thing, lol.... Lord help me :/
yeh so i thought I finally figured it out, I was really proud of myself. I had x and y simplified seperately and then added them together for z... after adding/simplifying what do i come up with???? x+y=z duhhhh, lol... I give up. I just submitted 515 like someone else said (in which my number came up a few times during the equations, so it could be right). I really don't care who gets this answer now, all 250 were probly in the first hour, cuz most of these kids are still in HS. so really, it doesnt matter anymore, and Im probly wrong.
you forgot the three, divide by 3 and you are good to go