i've done loads of decripting, even using mysterious as a keyword nothing. and as for figure it out implying numbers, the numbers dont make much sense. i've tried paring it all up, you know like AA represernts something, so does BA and AB etc. If you lay them out in a grid you see theres no DD or EE, in fact theres only 17 of 25 possible pairs. This is also 26-17 =9, 9 is the number of unique letters in mysterious.
I tried laying out the words and letters in different ways but the issue is really understanding how and if 26 letters are represented by the combinations of just a- e there's no other codes like it. using mysterious in a decipher online tool, and also using the key myserous (mysterious - I,T due to 'figure 'it' out) Also precaution does not help. the answers are jumbled letters which dont look useful, anagram solvers find nothing, and its not like the first or last letters of the words or anythings, too many qs, zs and xs.
But still stumped
I'd love to know how to do it feel like i've tried every end!! If anyone gets it i am dying to know the method. also i notice it was meant to end on weds afternoon?