Jen, I appreciate your point and have respect for you, however...as someone else so succinctly pointed out, this forum was created for people to get together to solve puzzles and share answers with each other. That was the intent. Of course there are lurkers. And like I've mentioned before people who don't like answer sharing shouldn't be here. That is the purpose of this board. Before all this nonsense came about, we shared answers with no problem. Sometimes you get the answers right away and sometimes someone else does. It all evens out in the wash. There used to be more of a spirit of teamwork instead of every man out for himself and lets guard the answer like it's Fort Knox. It's really not up to one person to arbitrarily enact and try to enforce rules that contradict the intent of this forum. I appreciate that you asked nicely, but it doesn't negate the fact that you are trying to police the board and enforce rules that not everyone agrees to for your own agenda. You do realize that there are other boards that give out the answers right? So you think if we don't post the answer those same lurkers won't go to another board and beat you to the answer and gyp you out of a couple hundred neopoints anyway? Lurkers *will* find the answer whether it's here or somewhere else. This whole discussion is silly. If you're that concerned with making tons of NPs, lemme teach you how to be a successful restocker. We get the trophies for LC long before the lurkers poach the answer. Jen, I'm not trying to launch a personal attack. This isn't personal. I just strongly disagree with you on this.