btw, I took it a little different. Since the 14 days seemed like it can be taken a few different ways (do they mean 14 shifts, or 14 day shifts?) but when they asked how many days, I just figured it was a trick question. They threw in all those extra numbers meaning nothing. And I just submitted 14. I'm probably wrong though. But it could be...
I think it was very clear that Miners in the Kreludan Mining Corp. can work in EITHER the mornings or the evenings (or NEITHER), but NOT BOTH.
How can it be possible to work on day with two shifts if it clearly states that "NOT BOTH"? She worked a total of 14 days implies that there were only 14 days worked rendered ONLY EITHER in the morning or in the evening.
Hi. I'm new

I wanna show my way. It's very easy to understand.
I said
N to Not Both
M to Morning shifts
E to Evening shifts
N+E = 15 ( days which did not worked in morning shifts)
N+M =17 (days which did not worked in evening shifts)
E+M= 14 (total worked days)
2N+ 2E + 2M= 15+17+14
We should find N+E+M
2N+2E+2M= 46
I submitted 23.
I used a spreadsheet and came up with the same answer.
Yes, i lost a lot. My account had high accout stats. 70 (I was a gamer) game trophies. 266 avatars. AC 3 and AC 4 trophies with high stats. I had the sloth plot and altador plot trophies. I had 3 really good pets and 12 million neopions. 8 million in items. I am trying to get my account back
That's how I did it and I got the same answer as you.
The answer is either 23 or 30, depending on how you interpret the question.
In a real life situation the answer was ONLY 23 (NOT 30).
I have a little different look at it. What do you think? There were 15 days not worked and 17 nights not worked. So there were 15 days that no work at all happened. There were 14 days of work, either day or night shift. So wouldn't the worker be there for 14 days working and 15 days not working for a total of 29 days? Not sure about this, just another possible theory. Would this make sense to anyone?
i think they mean 14 days total. not shifts adding up to 14 days.
i mean if you think about it, if you go to work for 1 hour you still worked that day. same as if you go in to work for 8 hours. you dont add up the hours you worked until you get 24 hrs.
They have to mean total, if they don't, then the question makes no sense.
I tried thinking of it as if it were a hotel: Days count when you go to sleep.
Now... that first day she had already worked when entering the hotel (morning), and the last day she went to work after sleeping (morning). That makes 14 "normal" nights and 16 periods of work. We convert those periods in 15 mornings and 17 evenings. Oh, so I have realized that goes nowhere... or does it?
If it were only the 14 "sleeping days", she would have worked 7 days pure, supposing Morning is half of the day and Evening the other half. But we are told she worked the first day before sleeping and the last day after sleeping, and two periods of work means a day, so she would have been in the mines for 7 + o.5 + o.5 : That's 8 hours in the mines for me.
I am not sure if this really makes sense...
I definitely agree with this one!
maddiygirl wrote:
i think they mean 14 days total. not shifts adding up to 14 days.
i mean if you think about it, if you go to work for 1 hour you still worked that day. same as if you go in to work for 8 hours. you dont add up the hours you worked until you get 24 hrs.
Dear Gizem,
Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 320). You have won 679 NP!
Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!
Hi all, welcome to a new LC week. I would like to pre-emptively ask everyone to PLEASE not share the answer flat out. I recognize that no one [other than admins, who most likely aren't concerned with this] can stop you from sharing the answer, but please consider for a moment:
It is easy to undo not sharing the answer. It is impossible to take back the answer once it's revealed. Furthermore, sharing the answer is tantamount to taking away NP from others. If a similar contest occurred using real money instead of NP, would you share the answer? I doubt it. NP may not be "real" money, but it does matter to some folks, so please be considerate.
Also, yes, this is a forum designed to share the answers to riddles and so on. However, most riddles and puzzles are designed solely to entertain, and no one is infringed upon when the answer for a normal riddle is shared. The LC is a contest first and foremost: There is NO harm in waiting until the contest is judged to share the answer, if you MUST share it.
@Jen Aside,
I agree with Jen.
If you post the answer here, someone can just lurk, and then get the trophy. Usually, I don't even look at this forum until I've solved the puzzle by myself, and I get frustrated when I see the answer has already been leaked.
I think it's fine to post things like the answer is a "5 digit number, starts with 1, ends in 3" or "5 digit number, sum of digits is 25". It's a nice way to double check without actually giving out the answer.
New one's up:
Unscramble the following letters to form the names of two Neopian locations:
What Neopian Location is about halfway between the two locations hidden in the letters above? Only submit the answer to the question; do NOT submit either of the other locations.
I got illustrious armoury and altadorian archives.
Wow, very fast! Great job
I solved it as well, but don't forget about the other part. :/
I felt I was pretty fast, but now lurkers will get the answers as well.