We shall apply the following rules to words. These rules are to be applied in order.
Rule 1: All consonants are worth 1 point, and all vowels are worth two points.
Rule 2: The letters "W" and "Y", being either a vowel or consonant depending on usage, are worth three points.
Rule 3: Any letter that is also a Roman numeral is worth five additional points
Rule 4: If there is any letter that appears more than once in a word, the second instance of the letter is worth double the first instance; the third instance of the letter is worth double the second, and so on.
Rule 5: The first letter of the word is worth double points.
Rule 6: The last letter of the word should be multiplied by -1, unless total length of the word is only three letters.
Rule 7: If the position of a letter is a square number (e.g. the first letter, fourth letter, etc), square the number of points.
Rule 8: Any letter that appears in the word "NEOPETS" is worth one extra point.
Rule 9: Any letter that is worth five points is instead worth six.
Rule 10: If the total number of points for the word is an odd number, add three points to the second letter.
Rule 11: The letter with the highest point value should instead be worth one point. If there is more than one letter with this point value, only the first instance should be changed.
Of all the Neopets species, which species name has the most points?