That and some of my ol' Barry White and it's a quick ride to 'Makeout Heaven'.
Quote:'Oooooooooooooooooooooh, baaaaaaabbie
Can't you drop round to my place
Drop round to my place
And sit on my face
Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh babbieeeeeeee...
My favorite Barry White versus-
Oooooooooh baby-baby-baby, I swear you got it together-
I swear you got it together-
Is that right baby, you like it like that-
Oooh, feels so goooood, you lyin' hear
I sweaaaar you got it
paulaj wrote:Oooooooooh baby-baby-baby, I swear you got it together-
I swear you got it together-
Is that right baby, you like it like that-
Oooh, feels so goooood, you lyin' hear
I sweaaaar you got it drop in to my place
and sit on mah face. Oh baby.
Birth and Death Rates
USA Today recently had a Snapshot of population growth in the USA.
Someone is born every 7 sec. and someone dies every 12 sec. I have complex calculations for this, but it may take some time to find it.
kickycan wrote:I can hang my coat on it! I was hoping for sex, but this is even better! Thanks!
You could hang your hat on it like Steve Martin did in "The Man with Two Brains." He also broke a window with it and said that the breeze felt good.
<whispers> You might try a five fingered friend and a Hustler Magazine.
paulaj wrote:kickycan wrote:Okay, let's do it in a taxi then. Never did that either. Fun, fun fun!!!
Want me to drive?
Anyone know what a D.B. Cooper is?
It's when two people are having sex in the driver's seat while the man is driving. Best done on a deserted highway at speeds less than 25 mph.
Thrill of the century.
Sweet. Another thing to put on my "to do" list.
long after you had made a person.
I want to be a desperate policeman.
As a matter of fact,I have not rung her up yet.
I send thousands of letters daily.
One of them gave mie a pain.
Have you thought Tom wanted to be a diligent student. Take buying the cigaret for example,
I take pleasure in smoking.
Becouse my factury produces three times as much as it did in 1998.
As a matter of fact,I have not rung her up yet.
I send thousands of letters daily.
One of them gave mie a pain.
Have you thought Tom wanted to be a diligent student. Take buying the cigaret for example,
I take pleasure in smoking.
Becouse my factury produces three times as much as it did in 1998.