Is France "stingy"?

Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 04:52 pm
OK, I'm asking.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 04:55 pm
" You, Deb, PDiddie etc. empathize with these sentiments even while you continue to use this disaster as a staging ground for attacks against the leadership of the United States."

Hmmm - I shall be most intrigued to see you show where I have attacked the United States over aid to tsunami victims!!!!

Lol - c'mon Bill, ante up.
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Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 05:00 pm
Welcome to A2K rykehaven. Thank you for the insights! I'll visit your thread.

How far back are you quoting from, D? I need to know what you're "empathizing" with. Then I'll be more than happy to comply. :wink:
(I had my finger on it when I posted it.)
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Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 05:09 pm
If you are speaking to me, I am asking you to quote where I have attacked the US about aid to tsunami victims - and where I have "used this disaster as a staging ground for attacks against the United States."

Hint" I have already gathered everything I can recall saying about this in my response to Lash.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 05:12 pm
You, Deb, PDiddie etc. empathize with these sentiments even while you continue to use this disaster as a staging ground for attacks against the leadership of the United States."

He's just sloppily lumping you in with everyone else he disagrees with, deb.

As for me, I proudly plead guilty as charged (as long as we specify that the "staging ground" Bill clumsily references is the administration's response to the tsunami and not the disaster itself).
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 05:13 pm
msolga wrote:
Good morning.
I've just read pages 21 - 28 of this thread. Now I'm wondering if there was a full moon last night. Good grief.

The moon has waned - the effects, seemingly, remain.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 05:24 pm
msolga wrote:
OK, I'm asking.

I answered your question in the other thread as concisely as possible. Please ask anything else or ADD anything you can. Two-way exchange is really desired (I'd like some input too :wink: ) and I hate to lecture...Sorry Confused
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Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 05:28 pm
Please don't apologise, rykehaven. I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say.

BTW, welcome to A2K! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 05:38 pm
Actually, if you weren't so pretentious, you might realize that I treat you with infinitely more respect than you treat me. I don't accuse you or sending "ad-hominem filled hot-air balloons" until you start sending them... which you always do if your opponent doesn't allow you to move the goal posts.

This is an example of the prime reason why i lost respect for your a long time ago. Your self-righteousness. I came to this thread, read it, and then left. I came back later, and read more of the sickening right-wing pile on against the French. Then i commented. When i commented, i responded to the initial post, and called this thread as i saw it, another example of conservative France-bashing. I did not refer to your ridiculous contentions because they were meaningless in my thesis--which is that the point of this thread was to bash France. You have not only done nothing to disprove it, but so many of your posts before i made my comments are just exactly the same thing, witless France-bashing. I haven't "moved any goal posts," because i have never been obliged to respond to your ridiculous statements about double standards--you have failed to demonstrate any double standard operative in what i've written.

You even whine when someone redirects you back to the point, to avoid using your imaginary Setanta-points that are easier for Setanta to attack.

I have done no whining. Did god die and leave you in charge? I think not. I had a point to make and i made it. Nothing obliges me to refute your silly thesis, and as i have so many times done in this thread, i invite you to demonstrate that your silly "double standard" crap applies to me. You have never made the effort to demonstrate that. I object to condemning the entire French nation. Unless and until you provide proof, in the form of quotes of what i have written, that i indulge in condemning the entire American nation, you have no case. It is hilarious that you think you are entitled to determine what "the point" is in this thread. I came to object to bashing the French, i still object to it. All the response you have so far provided is in the nature of "Oh yeah, well look what this other guy said--double standard, double standard." You accuse me of childishness when your entire position is akin to that of a "nya-nya" argument on a playground.

You are the first one personal, . . .

You linked your comments about Gus' threads (with that saccherine crap about "most beloved poster") and then wrote of my "political bedfellows." Since i first appeared in this thread you have been trying to tar me with the brush you have been using on others, although there was not the least foundation for doing so. In fact, your "most beloved poster" was the one who began the sorry rant against the Iraq policy of the administration in a thread ostensibly regarding the tsunami disaster. When i had read that, i left that thread and did not return because it was all so ridiculous and disingenuous. You characterized my post as furious, without the slightest reason for doing so. So, in fact, you are the one who turned up the heat, and you jumped on something i posted in response to Tico, and which had absolutely no reference to what you were ranting about. Since then, you've been trying to involve me in your spurious argument, and you have never yet provided the least evidence that i condemn bashing France, but applaud bashing America. That will stay as it is, because you will be unable to provide any such evidence.

Thereafter, you proceeded to this:

No shortage of logic to my thesis, Set. I agree that one you conjured up doesn't work. Here's my point: If someone uses a bit of news about this horrific disaster to take a pot shot at France, that disgusts you... but if someone uses a bit of news about this horrific disaster to take a pot shot at the U.S., that doesn't. That is a double standard, Set.

This somehow assumes that i am obligated to rush into a thread, with some sort of mystical foreknowledge of your objections, to complain that someone is bashing the United States. As i've already commented time and time again, the current administration and the United States are not synonymous. Criticism of the current administration does not constitute criticism of America. Even had i that mystical foreknowledge of that to which you object, i would not respond as you seem to think i am obliged to respond, for the very reason that criticizing the administration is not axiomatically an exercise in America-bashing.

. . . the first to whine about style and the first one to start calling names in every debate you ever had with me.

Given your lack of forensic skill, it would never have occurred to me to characterize the exchanges i've had with you as debate. You wrote:

I gather you missed this post then Set, because I don't see you raining down your furious resentment on your political bedfellows for using this disaster to do the exact same thing to the United States.

So, indeed with your characterization of my remarks as failing to "rain down [my] furious resentment on my political befellows," you set the tone for the exchanges, not i. You are the one who is constantly trying, without offering a shred of evidence, to suggest that i think exactly like those whom you condemn for criticizing the current administration. Given that you seem unable or unwilling to make a distinction between criticizing a particular political administration and slurring an entire nation, i can hardly be faulted for not considering this a debate. You have accused me of indulging in a double standard, you have done so through the use of inflamatory language, and you have provided no proof of your contention. That's not debate, that's just mud-slinging, and you introduced the sport here, i did not.

Since you've chosen to not leave well enough alone, after I gave you a pass, again, I'll redirect you back to before you started substituting Setanta-points for my own.

Gave me a pass? Don't do me any favors, Buddy. Nothing obliges me to accept a priori your terms just because you insist upon it. You've been trying to foist your specious double standard argument off on me since i appeared here, and you have never yet provided direct quotes of what i've written which demonstrate that while deploring France-bashing, i indulge in, support or condone America-bashing. Like a dog bullyragging a chew toy, you've got a hold on your thesis, and just like a dog which sees itself as the center of the universe, you think your thesis is the central point which everyone must discuss. Until you can quote me to prove that i condemn bashing France while remaining indifferent to bashing America, you have no case, you just continue to bullyrag your chew toy. Providing examples of people who are Bush-bashing is not to provide examples of America-bashing. You haven't made your case, and you won't be able to do so.

Never give me a pass, Buddy, because i've never seen you present an argument in criticism of me which has the least basis in fact.

I politely point out that Ticos numbers were widely reported, and that yours are now as wrong too.

Widely reported, huh? Free Republic, The Washington Times, Fox News? It does not surprise me in the least that the largely conservative-dominated media in the U.S. would be all over this like ugly on an ape--bashing France is what so many of them live for. By the way, the numbers to which i referred are not "mine"--they were a part of the link which Walter provided, and they were correct at the time Walter provided them. What exactly those numbers were or are matters less than that the number Tico was bandying about was (intentionally in my opinion) a distortion intended to make France look bad.

You falsely accuse Lash of snippyness, reiterate that Reuters had some facts wrong (which everyone knew before you showed up, btw) and then launch into your standard petty attack on the duly elected leader of our land.

I found the tone of Lash's reply to be sarcastic, which is why i characterized it as "snippy." She denied it, and i did not pursue the matter. I launched no attack on the Shrub, once again, you make an accusation without any proof. That i later, much later, spoke slightingly of him does not authorize your statement above that i "then launch your standard petty attack on the duly elected leader of our land." Tediously, i will repeat that criticizing the Shrub or the administration is not equivalent to bashing America, nor is equivalent to bashing an entire nation. The point of this thread from the outset was to bash France, and i objected on that basis. By the way, the Shrub is the duly elected magistrate of the United States--being a leader is a matter of character, something which he generally lacks. Because many people in this country are willing to see the PNAC agenda implemented, and therefore "follow" Bush does not make him a leader. The only proof you have offered that i "launched a standard petty attack" on Bush is this: What disgusts me here is how quickly people are willing to pile on the French, and it all derives from the refusal of the French to sign onto the dirty little war by the Shrub and his Forty Theives. You can deny it to your heart's content, but even a casual perusal of the threads here for the last two years show an obsession on the part of Americans with proving just how vile the French are. To characterize the Iraq war as a "dirty little war," and to describe the administration as "Forty Thieves" is my right as an American who pays attention and votes. It does not constitute an attack on America, just the crooks and Reaganite war-mongers in this administration. I have held and stated this position since before the war began. I have repeatedly pointed out that the invasion of Iraq was a part of the PNAC agenda before Bush was elected. That makes it particularly disgusting given the way the administration capitalized on the September 11th horror to further an agenda already in place when that attack took place.

Subjects which encompass the deaths of thousands of people, whether in the World Trade Center, or in Iraq, are hardly to be considered petty.

Next, I bring to your attention the vivid example of a double standard that I'd cited earlier:

As i have pointed out, your repeated attempts to cast me in with a group of people who are doing something you don't like does not make it so. I am nor responsible for anyone else's criticism of the current administration, i am only responsible for my own. Criticizing this administration and criticizing America are two very different things. I enjoy doing the former, i do not indulge in the latter. In fact, when i am in Canada, i often find myself defending America, because there just the same proportion of idiots there who are willing to bash an entire nation for the faults of a few as there are here.

To which you respond
Setanta wrote:
No O'Bill and Lash, the whole thing started with a thread entitled "Is France stingy?" The person slamming the United States to whom you object would have had no opportunity to do so if a thread slamming France had not first been started.

I did not understand at that time that you were ranting about another thread, and was responding within the context of this thread. Once again, it meaningless, since a criticism of this administration does not constitute a condemnation of an entire nation.

Just to be complete, I'll include this petty complaint:
Setanta wrote:
By the way, O'Bill, you have no way of judging whether or not i am furious. All i have admitted to is being disgusted. That sort of histrionic trick which attempts to raise the temperature of debate is far less likely to work with me, Bubba, than with many of the wingnuts (right or left) in the political threads. When i am furious, you'll know, because i'll write something such as: "I am furious."

That was not a petty complaint at all. I was responding to your attempt to up the ante, to raise the heat in the kitchen. I can stand the heat in the kitchen, so i have no need to leave it. Although you would like to contend that i immediately jump into personal remarks and scorn in any exchange between us, this in fact just proves that you were first on the scene trying to ratchet up the tone of debate. It is much easier to paint me as a crazed hating man if you can stir up a little trouble first--but it didn't work.

By this point, it was clear that even having been pointed towards the parallell thread where the Tsunami was being used as a launching point to attack U.S. Policy, you were not uttering words like "makes me sick" and "disgusting", and hence were perpetuating the double standard that was vividly presented before your arrival.

No Bill, there is a difference which you won't address. The thread to which you refer entails criticism of the administration's policy and actions, and not a slur on an entire nation. I have criticized this thread for bashing an entire nation. Apples to oranges, Bill--i perpetuate no double standard because one is a case of condemning a political administration and the other is a case of condemning an entire nation. But you won't address that, because you are still trying to shove that double standard crap down my throat, and have no answer to the apples-to-oranges conundrum. If at any point you acknowledge that the one is a case of criticizing a government and the other of criticizing an entire nation, your argument collapses.

I merely pointed out it was that double standard that I objected to, not any poster... and retracted the portion of my previous post you'd needlessly bristled to.

I did not bristle, i only pointed out that you were using tendentious language in an attempt to raise the heat of the debate. I have been involved in no double standard, and you have failed to prove that i have. You haven't even tried to prove that i have. You've just been shouting "what about him, what about her, look what they wrote!"--which has nothing to do with what i wrote.

Now, ever since then, you've been trying to obligate me to prove more than this simple chain of events. Predictably, you've become increasingly insulting, indignant and LONGWINDED in your attempts to first establish I have some additional obligations, and then claim victory when I curtly refuse to recognize your imaginative requirements. The Double Standard I pointed out, remains vividly clearÂ… just as it was before I joined A2K and will likely be long after I'm gone. Instead of acknowledging an obvious point, you chose instead to rant on about Tico's intentions and Lash's snippiness and even attacked our beloved Gus and for what? Just to avoid acknowledging a simple, predictable truth. Your repeated slams on my character are both false and childish. I'm no liar nor slanderer, Setanta. At worst, I interpret your childish behavior differently. When you repeatedly mislabel the people around you, what do you think that says about you? Idea

There are no additional obligations. You made an accusation toward me, and until you can prove it, you have no basis to repeat it. But repeat it you do. As for my being "long-winded," that is your retreat from the attempt to prove your case. Since you criticize what i write, i respond. When you have no reponse to my response, you then make more accusations, such as your remarks about ad hominems and hot air. You made the decision to get nasty here, and now you're crying because i repaid you in like kind. Get over it. If you get nasty with me, you can expect me to get nasty in return. You have failed to demonstrate that i have indulged in a double-standard, and failing that, you make the tone of what i write the issue rather than the content. You have no case. When you accuse me of something, but fail or refuse to prove it, you make a liar of yourself. What does that say about you? Are you listening? I doubt that you are able to accurately assess your participation here, because of your self-righteous obsession with proving that your are somehow a dispassionate observer of the faults of others.

I have objected to bashing an entire nation. Until you can prove that i object in this case, but not in others, you are indulging in lies.
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Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 07:55 pm
Dlowan, having skimmed through the appropriate threads, I've determined that I owe you an apology. Unlike Setanta's immediate launch into an attack on "the Shrub", I found no passage where you used one of these threads as a staging ground for attacks against the leadership of the United States. I erroneously considered your friendly presence (2nd person to respond) on the parallel U.S. Policy basing thread, as grounds for your inclusion in that example. While you obviously didn't object to the disaster being used as a staging ground, for an attack on U.S. policy, you launched no such attack yourself. You have my apology.

Setanta, you've outdone yourself. I barely had enough motivation to read that much hot-air, let alone respond to it. Picking apart every little sentence and ranting off with your talent for writing certainly makes a compelling case. However, one need only re-assemble my post to see the truth in it. Pretend that isn't so if it suits you. Again, I have neither the time nor the inclination to pick apart your filibuster of nonsense. For your edification; I'll give you an example of why. This little passage is the perfect example of your goalpost-moving as well as your afore mentioned fondness for extreme terms.

I object to condemning the entire French nation. Unless and until you provide proof, in the form of quotes of what i have written, that i indulge in condemning the entire American nation, you have no case. It is hilarious that you think you are entitled to determine what "the point" is in this thread.

I read nothing that condemned the entire French Nation. "It is hilarious that you think you are entitled to determine what "the point" is in this thread." (See how much better that fits there?)

Furthermore, the difference between U.S. policy bashing or Bush-bashing is inconsequential. Either would constitute "politics as usual" and be equally inappropriate on a Tsunami disaster thread. Your penchant for inventing additional criteria that must be satisfied is the reason I ignore most of your idiotic requests. The words entire and condemned that you've now included in your absurd demands have been irrelevant from the first time you first typed them. Idea

While I could easily do a line-by-line response illustrating more idiotic assumptions, I see no profit in it.
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Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 08:53 pm
Setanta wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Oh, okay. For the record, if anyone thinks I was being critical of France in this thread, I was only being critical of the French Administration. Rolling Eyes

So you say now, and yet you just couldn't resist putting in the witless eye-rolling emoticon, huh? The title of your thread, "Is France stingy" says it all. Once again, i don't for a moment believe your protestations that you did not intend to indulge in France-bashing.

I would similarly refer to someone who is a fan of or someone who has studied Britain as an "Anglophile." I would use either of these words (Anglophile/Francophile) without any built-in malice.

Certainly the "malice" is not built into the word itself; it resides, rather, in the use of the term in the entire context of your initial post. Do you expect me to believe that you exhaustively searched the internet before posting this to make sure of your facts before you lambasted the French? Because if you do, i would point out to you that i did not just fall off the turnip truck. The entire tone of your initial post is one of "see what those nasty French are up to now--think you can defend this, lovers of the French?"

This is another example where you speak without wisdom.

I do hope that you're not so naive as to believe you are in a position to pass judgment on the wisdom of others, considering the lack of wisdom you have displayed in starting such a thread at all.

(I'm also not sure what you mean by a "gage.")

From dictionary.com (so you won't have to just take my word for it):

gage, n.

1. Something deposited or given as security against an obligation; a pledge.
2. Something, such as a glove, that is offered or thrown down as a pledge or challenge to fight.
3. A challenge.

Use either definition two or three, whichever you prefer. The point is that you used a taunting tone, you were challenging francophiles to explain this to you.

You can say it was "patently false statement," but the fact is it was as true a statement as I knew at the time. Why attribute its "falseness" to me? Do you, like Craven, suspect I suffer from "reading comprehension" problems? I understand what Walter's link shows. Do you understand it was written in French? I don't read French newspapers. And the article I quoted does not "clearly" relate the aid only to the 14 missing Frenchies. If that were the case, I would have pointed that out, because that would have been utterly reprehensible if they were only providing resources to rescue their own. I also did not claim that was all of the aid France was willing to provide, just as I did not believe the $35 million was all of the aid the US was willing to provide.

Yes, the article does clearly relate to monies intended for the search for French survivors of the disaster:

The Reuters article wrote:
"There are probably dozens of French we are searching for and don't know where they are," he said.

"Many French and Europeans left on vacation without saying when or where they were going. So unfortunately we have to consider these numbers to be provisional."

Barnier was due to continue to Thailand on Wednesday morning to bring aid supplies and survey the damage from the giant wall of water triggered by an earthquake in Sumatra.

The French Defense Ministry was sending eight experts in identifying bodies and a military airplane that will fly over the Maldives and the Thai coast to search for people cut off by the flood and for the bodies of victims.

Paris has earmarked 100,000 euros ($135,400) for initial rescue efforts in Thailand. It planned to send 16 rescue workers to Thailand on Tuesday and 10 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Sri Lanka in the next few days, the ministry said.

And i made a point of quoting your bold-faced statement that "France has pledged $135,000." That is not what the article says--and this is the principle reason why i consider this entire post to be tendentious. I believe that from the outset, whether or not you knew it was false (as you now claim) that this was all the aid France would send, you wished to create that impression. I don't believe for a moment that you did any other research, i believe you came across this article, and leaped on the opportunity to bash the American conservatives' favorite whipping boy, France. I base the belief on the tenor of every other post of yours that i've ever read which had a political context.

You've intimated several times in your remarks to O'Bill that I've failed to "prove my case" that France was stingy. I wasn't TRYING to prove any such case. I pointed out the facts as I knew them to be, and solicited a response from someone like Walter who could answer my question.

Intimated Hell, i stated it outright. If you were not trying to prove that France was stingy, from whence the title of your thread?

The thread resulted from the conflux of Egelund's remark and the "then" low pledged amount from France.

" . . . the 'then' low pledged amount from France."? France had already pledged 5.6 million Euros to the EU aid package, and the article which Walter posted shows that they pledged an additional 2.16 million Euros on Wednesday, December 29. Clearly, the 5.6 million Euros which they had added to the EU aid package came before. This is why i contend you did no research on French pledged aid, you just jumped all over an article which would make the French look bad, in your warped opinion. You object to my characterizing your opinion as warped? I came into this thread on page 17, and yes, i did read the thread before i posted. Before i had posted anything:

On page 2, you wrote:
Walter, I know you have defended France in the past, and you know I tend to not look favorably upon them, but the early aid figures from France were stark.

On page 5, you wrote:
I am willing to believe the worst about France, and I don't even need a good reason.

So it should come as no surprise that it occurred to me in reading the thread that you were indulging in France-bashing, rapidly becoming an old conservative custom. After page 5, you no longer needed such remarks, as the usual suspects, notably O'Bill and Lash, were piling on and reveling in the fun, leaving you free to make a failed attempt to respond to CdK's criticisms.

It had nothing to do with the nationality of Mr. Egelund. He made the comment in his official capacity as a UN muckety-muck, but I didn't know his nationality, nor did I care.

You have repeatedly referred to this man as a "muckety-muck," are you now going to assert that you had no intention of vilifying the man? His remarks regarded ordinary foreign aid by western nations, and had no reference to the tsunami disaster. Do you expect people to believe that you are justified in slurring all of France because of the remarks of a UN official made without reference to French aid to the tsunami victims? There's absolutely no logic in that, and there is a good deal of further reason to construe from this that you were just leaping on an opportunity to bash France.

I appreciate your opinion that you would not care to meet me because you do not agree with my political views. With that attitude, I'm certain I would not want to meet you either. I would, however, be pleased to meet a great many of the posters on A2K with differing political views than mine. I find your attitude poor.

My attitude toward people who slander entire nations as a form of recreational humor always has been, and always will be poor.

I find this to be a tad idiotic. Are you serious?

I was, and remain, completely serious. I find your entire effort here idiotic, and i note with amusement that you couldn't stay away, you had to come back to attempt to weave a fabric of disingenuous denials after already having had your fun bashing France.

So it's okay to use a derogatory term because conservatives where you live use it in reference to the French? Bizarre.

Nothing which i wrote can be reasonably construed to suggest that the use of a derogatory term such as that is "okay." I used it out of contempt for the conservatives who enjoy such a passtime.

I'm not "innocent of antipathy toward the French" as a general rule. I'm not a lover of France, the French government, most things French, or of any of the French people I've personally met -- Our friend Francis notwithstanding, whom I do not find rude, but on the contrary, quite endearing. But the purpose of this thread was to question the amount of money that had been reportedly pledged by the French government.

I don't believe that last statement for a moment. See your quoted remarks above from pages 2 and 5.

And you are wrong that the article I posted "clearly " refers to only this amount to rescue 14 citizens. The article represented that was the amount pledged by France. It did not qualify it as only for any particular purpose. If you want to prove your abilities in reading comprehension, and my inadequacy in same, please prove your case.

No, the article does not "represent" that that amount was the amount pledged by France. The word "pledge" does not occur anywhere in that article. I read it, and immediately recognized that the amount listed was the amount "earmarked" (the term used in the article) for search and rescue efforts. CdK read it, and came to the same conclusion. But CdK is being far more charitable than i in ascribing your dirty work here to a lack of reading comprehension. Once again, i do not for a moment doubt that your intent from the outset was to bash France. You are convicted by your own posts.

Thanks for explaining your thought process. You're still wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 08:54 pm
[deleted duplicate post]
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Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 08:56 pm
PDiddie wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
The Bush bashing by PDiddie is obvious. He is clearly a charter member of the "Hate America/Blame America First" club.

Inaccurate as well as another unnecessary ad hominem.

See, when you do this, it means you don't have anything better to say.

For the record, I love my country, despise the Republicans in charge of its government, and support our troops by urging said incompetent leadership to bring them home now.

This is patriotism that does not register with you, and that is a failure of comprehension you have demonstrated repeatedly on another thread.

So there's really no point in repeating yourself any more.

You don't get it. We get you.

It's also really pointless to continue to address the digression of this topic, particularly when you use the adjectives 'poor', 'bizarre', 'idiotic', etc. to reference those here with whom you contend. This is simply more verification that it is increasingly difficult to have an intelligent conversation when such consists of the response to every contention being "You're a Bush-hater."

I ask you the same question I have asked others: can't you do any better than that?

If your best response to the Bush administration's slow-footedness in response to the tsunami disaster is to say something bad about France...

...what do you think that says about you?

Well, if the ad hominem fits ... And actually, in a way you were right ... I didn't have anything "better" to say about you at the time. In this thread I questioned the slow pledging of France ... you slammed the US. I merely pointed this out.

The "other thread" you are referring to, is no doubt joefromchicago's, where he stated his belief that he wanted the US to lose the war in Iraq, and believed he was also a patriot in spite of holding that desire. I stated my opinion that one who believes such as Joe, is not a patriot. I also made it abundantly clear to anyone paying even the least bit of attention that it is also my opinion that someone can support bringing the troops home immediately and still be a patriot. Do you not understand that is what I said, or are you unable to see the distinction?

One of the problems with you is you think it is I who doesn't "get it."

And, for the record, this sole instance which you quoted where I refer to you as "Bush bashing," is the only time I've done so - to you or to anyone else. That hardly qualifies same as my "response to every contention," does it? You must have me confused with someone else.

What "slow-footedness" in the US' response to the tsunami disaster are you referring to? In any event, given it is your belief that the US was "slow" in its response to the tsunami disaster at the time I posted this thread (since you bizarrely claim this thread was only posted by me in response to the "slow-footedness of the US), then how can you attack my post which questions the relatively "slower" response of France? Confused
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 09:48 pm
Thank you for that, Bill.

I still need your help, though.

I erroneously considered your friendly presence (2nd person to respond) on the parallel U.S. Policy bashing thread, as grounds for your inclusion in that example. While you obviously didn't object to the disaster being used as a staging ground, for an attack on U.S. policy, you launched no such attack yourself.

Do you mean this post?:

We do see them.

Perhaps not on mainstream American media?

Are you allowed to see the faces of grieving American parents and partners and kids, for that matter?

War seems to be best tucked out of sight?

Do the people on any side of a conflict really get to see the faces of those grieving on the other side?

That is interesting. I have been puzzling as to where in hell you got the idea you have just apologized for from.

I just looked at that thread - and, while its title has the Indonesian disaster in it, when I was involved in it, (has it become a thread about US aid policy for the tsunami???) it was a thread about Iraq. Gus is using the tsunami merely as a contrast point for the pictures of suffering in Iraq NOT being seen - the point I was responding to was, in fact, one that in my view Gus is making about the US mass media coverage of that conflict - ie few pictures of the suffering of the civilians and the dead children, as opposed to the many pictures of tsunami suffering.

My first comment is simply to say that I think we DO see such pictures in the Oz media - it seems your mass media is handling it differently.

I am then asking if the American media IS showing photos of the grieving and traumatised Americans, either - I am aware that there has been suppression of pictures of coffins. (Which I think despicable as a policy - but let us not have that argument here.)

My point in that post is that it seems that suffering from the war GENERALLY - Iraqi or American - may not be being shown - and that, in fact, I doubt that the suffering of the other side is ever willingly shown during a war.

This is actually, though subtly, I can now see, (I thought it very plain at the time) saying that I think that this is not just an American thing - that it is more general. Ahem - don't tell anyone, Bill - but this was another occasion when I was defending the US against what I thought was a one-sided criticism. (I do it quite a lot, actually - which is apparent to the "other side" both here - and in my real life - where I am seen as dreadfully pro-American person - but not, I think, to "your side". Nemmind.) Though - I DO think your media is behaving less responsibly on this than the Oz and British media. (You may recall we are involved in this war, too.)

It's funny - because I was convinced I had made a later post there - which I can remember vividly - about being pretty sure that NO leadership in a war EVER wants to show suffering that is not conducive to fostering a desire to continue the war.

I was sure that I had gone on to say that, for instance, I bet the Palestinian terror leaders did not show heart wrenching photos of Israeli kids torn apart by bombs and bla bla bla.

Any hoo - it is not there (unless I made it long ago and far away, on a different thread, becasue I have searched assiduously for it - or I dreamed it [I dream very vividly and in great detail] - or it got lost in posting -) - but that is what I think. And I think NOT showing the suffering inherent in war and terror and in other awful things that people and governments do is a bad thing, in case you hadn't guessed. But - I do not think it fair to say that America is an a worse perpetrator of this stuff than lots of other countries etc.

I also, as I said, did NOT see that thread as there to bash America in relation to tsunami aid - and, it was not doing that, as far as I can see, while I was involved in it - nor do I think it was set up to do so - that is a mis-reading of what Gus was trying to say, I believe. It may have degenerated into that - I haven't continued to follow it. It WAS set up to comment negatively on policy re Iraq - as you know, I have no qualms about criticising yours, or my, government on that - and never will.

God - this thread is calling forth bloody novels! I'll stop.
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Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 09:53 pm
On second thoughts, I have just been able to comprehend how you might see that thread using the tsunami as a "staging post" to bash the US.

I still do not see it as such - but as Gus just speaking about what he is thinking as he considers the two awful things - war and natural disasters.

But i can finally "get" you.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 10:11 pm
Setanta, you've outdone yourself. I barely had enough motivation to read that much hot-air, let alone respond to it. Picking apart every little sentence and ranting off with your talent for writing certainly makes a compelling case. However, one need only re-assemble my post to see the truth in it. Pretend that isn't so if it suits you. Again, I have neither the time nor the inclination to pick apart your filibuster of nonsense. For your edification; I'll give you an example of why. This little passage is the perfect example of your goalpost-moving as well as your afore mentioned fondness for extreme terms.

In this egregious paragraph, you have accused me producing hot-air, of picking apart "every little sentence" (believe me, your writing is not good enought to warrant such an effort), of ranting, of filibustering nonsensically, and then accuse me of using extreme terms. That entire passage is designed to make someone angry. Had you the talent, or were i dull-witted, the tactic might work. But you haven't the talent, and i'm not dull-witted, so i'm not falling for it. Just as you have done since you first attempted to jump me in this thread, you're attempting once again to jerk my chain through the use of tendentious langauge. However, you're not very good at it, and it makes a pathetic mockery of your constant attempts to take the moral high ground by claiming to be an objective observer above the fray. Poor Bill, i'm so mean to you, and you are so noble. What a load of crap.

I read nothing that condemned the entire French Nation.

Look up at the top of the page, look at the title: "Is France stingy?'

Furthermore, the difference between U.S. policy bashing or Bush-bashing is inconsequential.

I have made no such distinction. I'm making a distinction between criticizing an adminstration's policies and condemning an entire nation.

Either would constitute "politics as usual" and be equally inappropriate on a Tsunami disaster thread.

I have already more than once pointed out that i lost interest in Gus' thread and left never to return because it was so obviously not about disaster relief. None of which has anything to do with me, as i am not responsible for that thread, or anything that anyone has written there.

Your penchant for inventing additional criteria that must be satisfied is the reason I ignore most of your idiotic requests.

Ah, idiotic--more of your noble refusal to sully your righteous indignation with personal attacks? I have invented not one single criterion. You have accused me of promoting a double standard, but have produced no proof. You have tried with immense wasted energy to link what i wrote here about France-bashing to the nonsense in Gus' thread. But you have failed to produce a scintilla of evidence that there is any such link.

The words entire and condemned that you've now included in your absurd demands have been irrelevant from the first time you first typed them.

When the title of the thread reads "Is France stingy," without further qualification, that refers to the entire French nation. When that is succeeded by puerile snickering and insults against the French, none of which have any relation to the posted article about French aid, that is errant condemnation of France, of the entire nation. That you are unable or unwilling to understand while you flog the dead horse of your chimerical double standard line does not alter that this thread was started for the purpose of bashing the French. Tico can say to me "you're wrong" to his heart's content, i've already quoted his comments which demonstrate that he despises the French (without further qualification) and enjoys bashing them.

While I could easily do a line-by-line response illustrating more idiotic assumptions, I see no profit in it.

You flatter yourself. I have made no assumptions, idiotic or otherwise. After your continual song and dance about poor innocent Bill being picked on by big mean Setanta, it is highly amusing to see you refer to me as idiotic twice in one short post--and typical of your hypocricy as you preen yourself on your nobility in debate. When i accused Tico of bashing the French indiscriminately, i took the time to point out why i had written as much. I didn't assume that he dislikes the French and enjoys condemning them, i read it after he had written it. This latest performance of yours doesn't even rate a "nice try."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 10:26 pm
Way to go Setanta.
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Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 10:27 pm
I try to always apologize outloud when I'm wrong, Deb. I owed you that one. As for "getting me", I can only assume you weren't interested enough in my debate with set to follow the link I repeatedly provided. Gus's title was:
On a serious note, regarding the Indonesian disaster.
One can only assume that's a Tsunami thread, no? Hold on a sec... I'll just copy the post I wrote comparing the two... it's no great reach.

Magus wrote:
Parsing wordage and citing trivia does not obscure the mean-spirited and self-serving tone that permeates the thread... the tone that was established in the Topic/header.
Fact is, SOME people leap at any opportunity to denigrate those whom they have fixated upon as "Them"... because the conflict between "Us" and "Them" is the be-all and end-all of their life experience.
Instigating, provoking and goading are entertainment for SOME...
... which is evidenced by this ridiculously self-serving, partisan post.

GustavRatzenhoffer, who I think most everyone would agree is probably the most beloved A2Ker there is (sorry Craven), started this thread the day before.

This is the title:
On a serious note, regarding the Indonesian disaster.
Barely into the second paragraph, the opening post becomes a naked slam on U.S. policy in Iraq. Shocked By the time we get to the 8th response, which begins: "To bush and his supporters and partners...these children aren't really human beings", it's a full out U.S. policy bashing free-for-all.

Now, was this met with shock and indignation like supposedly unsympathetic conservative postings? Not at all. Some of A2K's most respected posters can be seen openly agreeing with the direction of the thread without even a hint of indignation that perhaps the title didn't fit the thread... or the behavior on it wasn't respectful enough or any other one-sided, hypocritical demonstration of the leftwing majority's unwritten double-standard for judging poster's behavior here. Take notice that not one moderator chimed in to steer either thread, probably because there was nothing wrong with either thread. Wake up and smell the hypocrisy folks. Idea

It still looks pretty clear to me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 10:44 pm
Setanta, I'm not in the habit of hiding my dislike for the French government. In addition, I have found most, and nearly all, of the French people I've met to be rude. I've made no effort to disguise any of this. So congratulations ... you've figured out I'm not a fan of the French. I freely admit it. I've never denied it.

Because of that, and because of the title of the thread (which to me seemed entirely appropriate given the question I was asking and in light of Egeland's "stingy" comment), and because of the "tone" you perceive I used (huh?), and my use of the word "Francophiles" in the context it was used (excuse me while I Rolling Eyes), you have concluded that my sole purpose in penning my initial post was to bash the entire French population, and you somehow think I believed this "France bashing" thread was justified based on the comments of that UN ninny's remark. Although I've explained the real reason of my post, you wish to believe I had another motive. I've also noticed your penchant for calling other people liars, so I assume this is just one of your character flaws. I've no continuing desire to correct your mistakes in this regard.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 10:51 pm
Yes - Bill - I agree it is an attack on BUSH POLICY IN IRAQ. An attack which, as I said, I commented on as being true not just of the US.

I do not agree that it is an attack re the tsunami - but I can see why you think so,

I did follow a number of your links - but the one I caught - in the confusion of posts within posts all led back to here - which was confusing to say the least.

I am glad we agree that I did not ever do what you said I was doing.
0 Replies

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