dlowan wrote:Got a bit of a problem with some of your constituency here yet, Tico???? Lol....
Not really. I'll tell you what though ... it is interesting to see the folks who are quick to defend France, equally quick to bash the US. The Bush bashing by PDiddie is obvious. He is clearly a charter member of the "Hate America/Blame America First" club.
Setanta wrote:...
Remember, criticizing the administration does not constitute criticisim of Americans--just some of the more venal ones.
Oh, okay. For the record, if anyone thinks I was being critical of France in this thread, I was only being critical of the French Administration.
Setanta wrote:...
You have written: "Are there any Francophiles out there who can explain this?" That is tendentious language, and constitues a gage thrown down to all those whom you would characterize as "francophiles."
I would similarly refer to someone who is a fan of or someone who has studied Britain as an "Anglophile." I would use either of these words (Anglophile/Francophile) without any built-in malice. This is another example where you speak without wisdom. (I'm also not sure what you mean by a "gage.")
Setanta wrote:In your opening remarks, you have written: "Just looking at the pending tsunami disaster in Asia, the US has already pledged $35,000,000 in "preliminary aid" to the region. UK, Japan ($30 mil), Australia ($27 mil), Saudi Arabia ($10 mil), Germany ($2.7 mil), and Canada, have all pledged large sums. France has pledged $135,000." Not only is this a patently false statement on your part (Walter's link demonstrates that France had already pledged 5.6 million Euros to the EU aid package for southeast Asia), but what you provide as evidence is no evidence at all. The article you have reproduced clearly relates to French aid offered in the search for the 14 missing French citizens in Thailand. The article does not state, nor is it reasonable to construe that this is all the aid France was prepared to provide.
You can say it was "patently false statement," but the fact is it was as true a statement as I knew at the time. Why attribute its "falseness" to me? Do you, like Craven, suspect I suffer from "reading comprehension" problems? I understand what Walter's link shows. Do you understand it was written in French? I don't read French newspapers. And the article I quoted does not "clearly" relate the aid only to the 14 missing Frenchies. If that were the case, I would have pointed that out, because that would have been utterly reprehensible if they were only providing resources to rescue their own. I also did not claim that was all of the aid France was willing to provide, just as I did not believe the $35 million was all of the aid the US was willing to provide.
You've intimated several times in your remarks to O'Bill that I've failed to "prove my case" that France was stingy. I wasn't TRYING to prove any such case. I pointed out the facts as I knew them to be, and solicited a response from someone like Walter who could answer my question.
Setanta wrote:And, i refer you to the point i made to O'Bill. When both O'Bill and Lash objected that others were bashing America for its aid package, as though that justified bashing France, I pointed out that these are unrelated. Lash quoted Jan Egelund, and you have vilified this individual--who is described as Norwegian-born. So how does that justify going after the French? Why was France in particular your target, after having slurred Mr. Egelund for his remarks. If you have no particular prejudice against the French, why have you not investigated Norway in response to the comments of Mr. Egelund?
The thread resulted from the conflux of Egelund's remark and the "then" low pledged amount from France. It had nothing to do with the nationality of Mr. Egelund. He made the comment in his official capacity as a UN muckety-muck, but I didn't know his nationality, nor did I care.
Setanta wrote:
You are absolutely correct, i do not know you--and am uninterested in making your acquaintance, having read many of your posts. You are absolutely wrong, i have not made accusations about you, my remarks were about the attitude of conservative Americans toward France and the French. Of course, if the shoe fits . . .
I appreciate your opinion that you would not care to meet me because you do not agree with my political views. With that attitude, I'm certain I would not want to meet you either. I would, however, be pleased to meet a great many of the posters on A2K with differing political views than mine. I find your attitude poor.
Setanta wrote: ...
If that ended it as far as you are concerned, what are you doing back here?
I find this to be a tad idiotic. Are you serious?
Setanta wrote: ...As for the use of the term "Frog-bashing," i was simply repeating the term most popular among conservatives in the area in which i live. Yes, it is derogatory, which is why those conservatives use it.
So it's okay to use a derogatory term because conservatives where you live use it in reference to the French? Bizarre.
Sentena wrote:You don't convince me at all with your protestations of innocence. If you were innocent of antipathy toward the French, you would not have used the article you posted, which clearly does not refer to overall aid, but simply the amount allocated to support efforts to rescue the missing citizens in Thailand. Either that, or your reading skills are so poor that you couldn't figure that out.
I'm not "innocent of antipathy toward the French" as a general rule. I'm not a lover of France, the French government, most things French, or of any of the French people I've personally met -- Our friend Francis notwithstanding, whom I do not find rude, but on the contrary, quite endearing. But the purpose of this thread was to question the amount of money that had been reportedly pledged by the French government.
And you are wrong that the article I posted "clearly " refers to only this amount to rescue 14 citizens. The article represented that was the amount pledged by France. It did not qualify it as only for any particular purpose. If you want to prove your abilities in reading comprehension, and my inadequacy in same, please prove your case.