Mon 27 Dec, 2004 04:02 pm
Am having a problem with this Standard Game Port. Every time we try to play a game ( Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter) it says sound initialization error. So I looked in the Device manager and there is a yellow exclamation on it. Here is what it says-----Standard Game Port, This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. (Code 12) If you want to use, disable another device.
Driver file states this--C:\WINNT\system32\DRIVERS\gameenum.sys
file version----5.00.2195.6655
driver version---
The rest of the computer seems to work fine. It's just this one game that came on computer, but I also have the CD for it and tried reinstalling and still get that message. Please help. Do I need a new install or can I fix this one??
HELLO ??? anyone out there that can help ??? PLEASE !!!!!!
You probably need to provide more information. But then again, I'm no expert. But if you're desperate ....
Maybe you have too many devices, and there is a conflict in your IRQ settings? Did you just install the game port, or was it factory-installed, or do you know? Has the game port ever worked? What operating system are you using?
Hopefully someone who knows what the hell they're talking about will respond. Good luck.
Thanks Ticomaya I will supply all the info i can because this is driving me nuts and my kids liked playing this game. I haven't installed any new games, but you never know what gets installed on here when you don't want it. The game used to play fine months ago, we just haven't had time lately to play it and now I just keep getting the error message. I run Windows2000Pro I have the Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter CD and it won't even reinstall it because of the error: sound initialization failed message. There is a message that says ---This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. (Code 12) If you want to use, disable another device.
But I wouldn't know which one and if that is really what the problem is.
I am just guessing that is the problem with why the game won't work. Really for all I know it could be anything. I just bought the original CD for the game because I thought I could reinstall it, but it does no good. Thanks for your reply by the way. Was feeling like no one would respond to this question.
Have you tried uninstalling the game, then checking the game port status in device mangler? If it's still a problem, you might try "uninstalling" the device, then having win2k search for the device. I would write down the Interrupt request (IRQ) number and i/o range before you remove it. (I assume there are no conflicts listed?)
If you are still having problems, hopefully by then someone who knows what they're doing will respond. Good luck.
Yes I have uninstalled the game when I new I'd have the CD to reinstall it, but that made no difference. And I am not sure about uninstalling the device. I am not sure what you mean by the IRQ and i/o range. I am an idiot at this sorry. No conflicts listed except what I already typed and that Code 12 whatever that is.
I still want to thank you for your help though. You are giving me more ideas and things to look for.