In order from top to bottom,
1) Yes and no. I am not the type of person you see me as. I am relaxed, mature and serious. I worry about the future. Yet i can't help think, "what if." And i begin to look at things negitivly. People always tell me i have a knack for arguing. Yet i feel that i will fail under competition; of getting into the college of my dreams and the law school of my dreams (which i have not yet decided..its to early for that

) - If i get into the schools of my chose (UPENN, NYU...) only fear is not getting accepted to the school of which i desire. That is my only obstacle...which i need to overcome.
2) No. And i do not have any disorders (and im not in denial

). I just want a great start in life by going to a good college; Upenn...nyu.. Before, when i was younger, i didn't know how to study..i slacked off and that brought me down and i fear it is to late. Only now, i have begun to change my ways. The process is almost i must get into the habit. (that is my i est my schedule
3) Very!
4) Yes. My dad is proud when he sees me study. My mom, is always proud of me. I am my critic.
5) No. I am under control. When things go wrong i handle it well. But if this goes wrong...I do not want this to go wrong.