Re: Martian Marine Fossils
When I first saw the spherules last year I wondered if they might be biological, but further evidence indicates strongly that they are geological formations (chemical composition analysis).
gungasnake wrote:
Martian sea urchin
Same here, these are just spherules which have been broken.
gungasnake wrote:
Martian sand dollars
The following image is interesting, but too blurred to really prove anything, certainly anything as astounding as a "trilobite" on Mars. After all, we've already seen how blurry images can be imagined to be any range of things, from giant faces to small block devices.
gungasnake wrote:
Martian trilobytes
gungasnake wrote:
One possible answer would be that the oceans of Mars simply got dumped onto our own planet at the time of the flood, along with most of the trilobytes, urchins and what not. That would explain both the flood legends and the trilobytes without any need for parallel evolution.
The other possibility of course is that the spherules are spherules (as evidence suggests), and that the blurry "trilobite" is just a random ripple in the rocks.
I know, pretty wild suggestion... but hey, someone had to say it