Mon 20 Dec, 2004 09:46 am
Hello i am a little new here but i am trying to get as much information as i can get for the paper i am writting. My topic of my paper is the difference in batteries. I am focusing on the most commonly used batteries in my household and that is alkaline batteries. So i figured i would compare those Heavy Duty Batteries and the alkaline batteries! I have found so far that the heavy duty batteries do not last as long as alkaline batteries but also i was wondering why. any help would be great!
Here's a link that might provide some info for you, but I've always bought batteries on the basis of cost per unit rather than whether it was alkaline or heavy duty. Batteries on sale usually end up costing less than trying to figure out which batteries to use on different electrical components. The other issue is rechargeables over one time use batteries.
That would be a good report!
I support alkalines over heavy duty...never had any luck with heavy duty batteries!
Alkaline last alot longer then heavy duties!!
Jonesy, Welcome to a2k. Did you really do a study, or is that your persona 'impression?' Did you do a cost study? cost X # unites = total cost/time of use.