Well. When I hear the word angel, I think of God´s agels with wings and all that. And, I dont belive in people who came here from heaven to watch over us. But I DO belive that there are sertain people, of flesh and bones, with a sertain "ability" to take care of people, or how I should express it. Some days I belive in these kind of "things" and some I dont. And I think its really about oneself. Whatever you belive in exist, you know what I mean? It exist for YOU and thats the important thing. Its wonderful and secure to belive that there is someone looking after you, and it might help you in life, just by beliving in it.
And I think this goes for everything that has to do with religion. People NEED to belive, otherwise there is no purpose in living. Cause life gets more "exiting" and meaningful when you belive for instance that there is someone watching over you, doesnt it?