A Bridge Too Fat
The Allies attempt to capture several strategically important bridges in the Netherlands in the hope of breaking enemy lines. However, they finally meet a bridge too fat, and the movie just sort of fizzles out, ends, and the audience just goes home...
Wee Wee's Big Adventure
The exciting and often tear-jerking story of the invention of the now-common urinal. Worth a shake or two. Most critics agree that the highly-satisfying ending zips things up nicely.
Lady in the Wafer (2006)
A horror movie by schlockmeister, M. Night Shyamalan about an anorexic nymph.
The Ten Commendments
Feeling uncharacteristically sentimental, God give Moses two Asus 10.1-Inch 64GB Tablets with 1.3GHz (Quad-Core), 2GB Ram, Windows 8.1, Wi-Fi, Front Camera with Keyboard, displaying ten nice things God wants to say to his Chosen Ones. However Moses inadvertently gives the WiFi password to the kids, and they spend all their time listening to iTunes, watching YouTube, sending e-mail (which are all returned "undeliverable" and eventually exceed their mailbox limits), and screwing up the programs. Moses smashes the tablets in frustration and exasperation. So God goes all primitive and gives Moses a set of ten Do and Don't house rules engraved on flat rocks which Moses knows how to use in accordance with the technology of the day.
The Mild Bunch
A group of seedy in-laws feel that they are being left behind the times and in a final bid for an old-age nest egg, they invest in an Internet pyramid scheme in Mexico owned by a formerly admired but ruthless general who is now just retired and toothless...
Bron Man
A dedicated brony invents a colorful suit that turns him into a very macho "My Little Pony" character, and goes around saving fellow bronies from boredom. Followed by a few sequels and cameos.
Not for the squeamy giggly ticklish...
Muriel's Weeding
Poor personal hygiene requires extraction of unwanted plants.
Mixed Guts
...a Halloween slasher from Nora Ephron and Tim Burton. Destined to become a classic!
The Legend of Sheepy Hollow
Bunch of sleepy sheep that have neither been shorn nor counted for years, led by old Sheep van Wrinkled. Good for Halloween sleepytime. A real snorer.
Lilly Eliot
Girl growing up in England wants to be a coal miner to the dismay of her ballet dancing family.
Yankee Noodle
...Cagney shines as he sings and dances as noodle factory owner facing competition from a pierogi factory.
Yankee Poodle
Amusing sequel to the aforementioned noodle story.
Whatever Happened to Baby Jake?
No one remembers Baby Jane's little brother Jake.
Band of Mothers
The story of Easy-Bake Company of the U.S.Mommy's Kitchenborne Division who form a mercenary rock band and sing stirring songs about how much mothers care about their kids who stay out on dates after their 10PM curfew...
Get it, Glennn? Easy-Bake ... Kitchenborne ... "stirring songs" ...?
Chitty Chitty Gang Bang
A story of the US Senate...
...the story about 4 young lads from Liverpool, New York and their quest to make a fortune in the juice industry.
Cast of Eden
Epic film starring James Dean as the angst-ridden Adam, Marilyn Monroe as the temptress Eve, and Donald Trump as ego-maniacal God.
Two-Minute Warming
Story of the invention of the microwave.