And now, as if anyone really needs to be told, here are the final standings for out 2017 NFL Pick-um game. A very hearty congratulations to my son, Jaumen for at least keeping the championship in house by winning the season. Way to go JW. And thanks to everyone who played again this year. I once again enjoyed it greatly. Final standings are below.
Code:Final Standings % Wins Losses
Jaumen 0.746 179 61
Panzade 0.721 173 67
CoastalRat 0.704 169 71
Pistorius 0.700 168 72
JPB 0.697 147 64
RJB 0.696 167 73
Rhys 0.696 167 73
George 0.688 165 75
ehBeth 0.679 163 77
Ragman 0.679 163 77
Skeeter1eye 0.675 131 63
CowDoc 0.664 158 80
Fbaezer 0.663 159 81
Imur 0.644 154 85
Lightning22 0.643 144 80
Mz CowDoc 0.641 152 85
Ticomaya 0.636 152 87
Edgarblythe 0.519 69 64
Ossobuco 0.516 16 15