Fri 17 Dec, 2004 08:04 am
I have a debate in my speech class in a a week or so on co-education. Can u people give me some good reasons why we should keep co-education alive and running?
Just a few thoughts....I'm torn on this one. In the Uk we used to have a system called the 11+ (some boroughs still do) passing the 11+ decided what secondry school you went to. The pass figures were massaged for years, they had to, otherwise Grammer (higher) schools would have been full of girls! I went to an all girls convent, I feel I benefited from that in some ways, in other ways I feel I missed out. Having such a cloistered education left me ill equipped to deal with 'boys' once I left. Life isn't single sex! I do realise this post probably won't aid your debate....but there are strong arguments for and against, and I just can't make up my mind.
I also went to an all girls catholic School. Not seeing
any advantages/disadvantages while going there, I do
see it now with my own daughter who's 9 years old. She's going to a co-ed catholic School and although the majority of kids in class are girls, the few boys in class cause enough distraction, that I do believe that an all girls/all boys education brings better academic results.
In reading/writing, language skills, the girls are all doing
better than the boys, and the boys feel selfconscious about it. So in math, where the boys seem to to better, they try to out score the girls. Somehow it creates frustration on both sides - never mind the distraction between them.
I'll see how things progress, but an all girls highschool an option for us, if things don't improve over the years.