Re: Nice Guy's really do finish last.
CarbonSystem wrote:This post is kind of stemming from one concerning emotional intelligence, but I think the nice guy really does finish last. When I refer to finishing last I"m talking about when it comes to women. It seems to go against them to treat the women with the respect that the women demand. If they're thought of as nice, they're somewhat screwed. If he is nice, eventually he'll get too boring and whatnot, but if he isn't so caring and concerned then he just doesn't care.
I will have to disagree to a certain extent there, CarbonSystem. I think it depends totally on the woman, not women in general Maybe I am naive, but I did not think that womenshould never demand respect, but earn it like everyone else. IMO that makes the women as responsible as the man for niceties exchanged. It should never be one-sided.
But then again, I am not your "general" woman on the streets, either. I am sometimes disgusted with the mutual disrespect that the genders show towards each other. And these are supposed loving partnerships!!
I am also one who believes that the women's lib movement has outlived and overstepped its boundaries as equals. For the most part, I think the role that most women play in equal rights is a bunch of BS. As I think I have mentioned a time before on this board, a good many women don't want to be equal....they want to be BETTER. And that IMO, strips them of the respect that they could have earned by being fair and not carrying this equal rights crap to the point of better than or mightier than thou.
I still like to believe that common courtesy should be the norm and not the exception. I still believe in treating others as I wish to be treated. I still believe in romanticism and respect and honour....on both sides.
I may be extremely old fashioned, but I love having a door opened for me, I love having a chair pulled out for me at dinner, I love when a man honours me as a woman and not just an equal.
Trust me, I worked hard for it, and the name "Lady J" didn't just come flying out of thin air. I earned that "Lady" because of niceties, respect, diplomacy, honour and decency to my fellow man. In my book, I will seek the prince and the nice guy first before anyone else......