Kuru, Mad Cow, Chronic Wasting Disease, Krutzfeld-Jacobs, Scrapie and Altzheimers disease are all diseases in which "prions" have been suspected as being the causitive agent.
Kuru, a disease of persons in New Guinea who practiced ritual cannibalism has been seriously slowed by the cessation of that particular facet of their religion. (They ate the deceased persons brains as a sign of reverence) Don't laugh, Christians today eat the blood and the body of Christ. (Communion ceremonies)
Mad Cow disease aparently is caused by the feeding ( as a protein concentrate-- ie. renderings ) of sheep parts (including brains and nervous tissue) to cattle) ( Sheep with scrapie exibit neurological symptoms) Chickens are also fed "protein concentrate". Since chickens don't live long enough to show symptoms I have no idea as to whether or not they are infectious to humans.
Chronic Wasting Disease of deer species has a similar etology in deer as mad cow has in bovines.
Krutzfeld-Jakobs disease in humans mimics both Mad Cow and Altzheimers in humans. They are (possibly)probably related.
The symptoms when pathologically examined in mad cows, deceased humans with Altzheimers, deceased humans with Kuru, and very old scrapie infected sheep all aparently display roughly similar voids (leisions) in brain tissue.
An organisism, very small, has been seen to inhabit the neurological tissues of victims of Kuru.
A similar appearing "self replicating organism" has been observed is neurological tissue of sheep and deer.
In humans the incubation period is very long for Altzheimers. But when the sheep variety, through cattle, gets into humans then it seems to happen a bit quicker.
It seems to be an aberrant protein, as close as I have read, and there is some arguement ( again mostly philosophical) as to whether it is actually alive. One thing is certain, this aberrant protein cannot be "killed" by any of the methods that we use to sterilize or cook our food. Since it cannot be killed there is some argument as to whether or not it is actually "alive". Philosophically I consider "prions" as the simplest forms of life that we are aware of.
Hope that this helps you to connect the dots, so to speak.
If you have time then hit the library hard.
A very frightening thing is that apparently a very large number of British school children have been vaccinated with a culture that was based on a cattle derived medium.
In other words many children were vaccinated with "Mad Cow Disease".
Not a procedure guaranteed to win elections or win favor among the populace, to say the least
Hope this helps but you will probably need more time. I have read at least three books on the subject and consider myself far from expert.
(but I don't eat deer brains) :wink: